Who hates their Job??


I can't take it anymore......i work for my family business during the daytime....AND IT SUCKS DICK!!!! I hate the fact that your working for your family and u get paid shit...I hate the fact that i gotta deal with incompetent fucking people that don't know shit....I hate people that waste my time and ask me stupid questions like "how much to tailor custom pants?" and you give them a price of $175-250....cause its all hand made but they say wow...to expensive....WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU EXPECT IT TO BE...$5 GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!!!!

Sorry...my father owns a men's Italian clothing store....if you guys were wondering.....I sit here everyday for 6 days a week by myself....I have named all the walls with first names cause i have no one to talk to.....and well, Fuck this PLACE.....sorry pops...but your business sucks dick....People are scared of me here....they walk in and they see me and they run out....hahahaha i tell my father im not the face to be in here and well he tells me im wrong....Fuck that shit....I want to be doing what i love...I want to bring up Aero K Garage in business fulltime for everyone to enjoy, here is SFL and all around the country...I want to fly to japan ASAP and fully load up a container...I want to build my car during sunlight and not at night....I want alot of things...I FUCKEN HATE MONDAYs!!!

I hate my job too. 90% of the day I have to sit alone in an office with no windows and the constant sound of fans blowing from the 6 servers and 20 switches. Speaking of which, its funny that you named your walls - I've named the servers. The highlight of my day is usually lunch since I get to see something other than a computer screen. Oh and as for what I want - right now its to be a full time student. I get very jealous walking down the halls of FAU and seeing kids not having to worry about a damn thing. Rich parents FTW.
I hate my job... I hate the fact that I have to audit every ones job 24/7 every month look at the same shit over and over... I hate the fact that I have to drive over 20 miles to get to work one way and I get only 20MPG on my 240. I make good money but is time for something new... Help please!!!
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Tonymac said:
I hate my job too. 90% of the day I have to sit alone in an office with no windows and the constant sound of fans blowing from the 6 servers and 20 switches. Speaking of which, its funny that you named your walls - I've named the servers. The highlight of my day is usually lunch since I get to see something other than a computer screen.

haha...Tony, from 9am to 5pm Monday thru Friday i am infront of my labtop screen....non-stop....I deal with bunch of fucken idiots all day. I get bored of being online everyday....i get bored of doing laps around a round table in the middle of the store...i get bored talking to the walls cause they don't respond...i can curse them out and fucken beat them until i put a whole in the wall with my fists and they don't say a word....I don't know what it is about this place...but when i walk in in the morning i feel as if my heart just dropped to my feet and i get depressed...that i have to sit here for hours on out and do the same shit i have been doing for the past 2 1/2 years here at this fucktard called job.....I get paid a very minimal money of $250 a week...that is $1000 a month...WTF!!!! my own father is making me go broke....and lately with the economy all fucked up and people wanting to spend money on stupid name brand shit that ALL THE GOD DAMN CELEBRITIES WEAR....ITS LIKE EVERYONE ON THIS PLANET FORGOT TO BE ORIGINAL...BUT NOOOO!!! EVERYONE WANTS TO BE A SUPERSTAR OR A FUCKEN CELEBRITY. FUCK THIS CELEB STYLE LIFESTYLE......BE YOURSELF....FOLLOW YOUR OWNDAMN SELF...NOT WHAT THE FUCK PARIS IS WEARING.....Man i want to live in the mountains and woods where the animals of nature don't know anything about following other than being who they are. Everyone is so fucking materialistic these days.....Fuck OFF!!!! Make a name for yourself...not a wanna be rap artist, or a wannabe Paris Hilton...or white people trying to act black...or be ghetto....fucken grow up!!!!

Wow this monday is probably the worst one yet....one fuck up with a customer im bitting their fucken neck off.....Im pissed off today due to the fact that i have to sit here again...knowing i have so much shit to do for the team and myself.....but nope can't do CAUSE IM STUCK HERE sitting on my ass doing absolutely nothing and getting paid nothing!!!!

JDM_Of_Miami said:
Here Raffi,

Yo can thank Kyle from sfl240sx.com for that :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Bad day at Work? School? Traffic... sit back, throw the speakers on and enjoy...

http://www.break.com/index/greatest_gir ... video.html

Last edited by MiamiGrinch240 on Thu May 03, 2007 7:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Damn Moe, you got me all excited and this is what i get...lol thanks for trying.....

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z4k said:

haha...i wish i had the dvd here so i can watch it....it will probably make me feel a little better!!!
You need a vacation. I do too. I'm actually trying to decide what to do right now. Thinking April 2008 Japantown cherry blossom festival in San Francisco. I love that city and Japan's too expensive for me to visit at this stage of my life. Too bad i don't know anybody over there!
Tonymac said:
You need a vacation. I do too. I'm actually trying to decide what to do right now. Thinking April 2008 Japantown cherry blossom festival in San Francisco. I love that city and Japan's too expensive for me to visit at this stage of my life. Too bad i don't know anybody over there!

God damn a vacation sounds good.....but good luck trying to have my mother cover for me for a week...she bitches just working 2 days for about 8 hours total....and she gets $150...for 8 hours....i sit here for 6 days a week mostly with $250 a week...Fucken COME ON!!!!

Cherry Blossom Festival would be nice...RWD REA made me realize how beautiful that festival is.....i would love to just grab a few things....take $1000 if i had it and hop in my truck and start driving....i don't know where but i sure will get the fuck out of this state.....
Aerok180 said:

God damn a vacation sounds good.....but good luck trying to have my mother cover for me for a week...she bitches just working 2 days for about 8 hours total....and she gets $150...for 8 hours....i sit here for 6 days a week mostly with $250 a week...Fucken COME ON!!!!

Cherry Blossom Festival would be nice...RWD REA made me realize how beautiful that festival is.....i would love to just grab a few things....take $1000 if i had it and hop in my truck and start driving....i don't know where but i sure will get the fuck out of this state.....
sounds like someone needs to make a resume and go job hunting..
BiG MiKE said:
sounds like someone needs to make a resume and go job hunting..

My resume is Aero K Garage, Inc. Mike......i can't get another job, i refuse to work for anyone else, i will only work for myself.....I have Aero K to back me up...but if im here non stop...i can't do shit!!!!
See...this is what i just delt with.....

This guy walks in....starring and the sign i have that says "Tuxedo Rentals and Retail" and he has the nerve to ask me....picture he is staring at the sign...he says " do you'all rent tuxedos or sell them"

I looked at him and said " you serious?" he asked me why would i say that.....
I told him "Honestly Sir, you were staring at my sign that SAYS Tuxedo Rentals and Retail, why would you ask me if you already see it with your eyes....why even bother.

He says to me " that was Rude".

I said to him " Well its common sense sir, if you see the sign, why ask....then i gave him an example...its like me walking into a car dealership and asking them if they sold cars!!!!

He says to me " you are not nice and you don't make a customer feel welcome"

So i said " then get the fuck out "

Like i said, today is the day i will break. today is the day i probably will get in trouble.....

Plus this dude was like in his 20s.......look like he was just in here to waste time...cause i get idiots like that...being in a corp building location, people come and take tests, or see a doctor, or lawyer and they walk in to waste time and ask stupid questions.....

JDM_Of_Miami said:
Hey man at least I try. :(

Im sorry Moe, im not being a dick.....I just need a vacation like Tony said.....but my vacation is the trip to Neveda for the ProAM Finals....and well its not quite a vacation...gotta drive non stop for 2 days...work my ass off for 3 days helping out Ryan and Shant and drive back non stop. I love it, I love everything i do....but i would rather take a trip to Canada or take a trip to Cali for 2-3 weeks stress free!!!
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