What Is This?

I Have A 91 S13 Se Hatch Manual, And Behind The Ecu The Is A Smaller Box That Looks Like Another Ecu. Maybe 1/3 The Siaze Of The Actual Ecu. Anyways Mine Broke In Half. Does Anyone Know What This Is? Cuz My Car Runs Like Crap And I Just Want To Know If This Might Be Effecting It. Thanks
I have 3 s13s and none of them have it, I think it has something to do with an auto trans. Was your car auto before?
nope. are yours SE?

i thought maybe it had to do with the rear wind shield defroster

it looks like a smaller ECU. its rectangled and its silverish goldish colored.
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really? cuz it says manual on my title i think but w/e they probably just changed the harness to auto harness. thanks. and if any one knows for sure please let me know. oh and i need someone to adjust my timing correctly. i think the top chain is on wrong and i dont wana mess with it. please LMK if there is someone who really knows how to do this well. thanks guys

if this is a auto harness in my dash could this be why ny cluster doesnt light up? it works but the back lighting doesnt work is i cant see it at night. can i get a harness from a base model s13 and put it in my SE?
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