What diff are you guys using ??

Uras of the East said:
a welded diff will spoil you. due to you never have traction you will get too used to it and then when you finally drift something that has traction you will have to relearn the basics once again. Not all off us are as good as tyler, he can adapt faster than many of us.

Aliright TARZAN quit swinging on that mans wood! JK :D

That is true a welded diff will spoil you. But eventually I'd like to go with a good 1.5 or 2 way so it is fairly close from what I hear.
True, I have heard that while drifting it's the same as a 2way, on the street is different, but my car won't be daily driven, just in the track.
Those J30, 300ZXn/a, S13 diff are so old, that when they get hot they're like a open diff...
So untill I have lots of $$ to get a Kaaz or a real Nismo, I will try a welded diff...
yeah you gotta take it out, im gonna weld my diff in my celica when i get the chance
SrSteve said:
where is a good place to get your diff welded ...? Also will they take it out or do you have to ....?

Ter-Tech can do it...they've done quite a few. Just call Harri and tell him you want a "Miller diff". :)
dori dori said:
Ter-Tech can do it...they've done quite a few. Just call Harri and tell him you want a "Miller diff". :)

Ive always called it an Opa Locka Locker?!
z4k @ SMPLYjdm said:
Whats the number to that place. I got a diff ready!
they're in the yello pages but they are on 23rd st off of copans and powerline
i went from a s14 vlsd to a welded to a kaaz 2 way. the key tot he vlsd is to use crappy tires to help keep it alive, the key with welded is don't drive fast n the rain on the highway or you'll DIE!! hahahah, but the new KAAZ is really nice, it doesn't do the tire skipping thing, but it makes just as much noise when turning slow. and is a little more managable in the rain. welded is great if your poor like me, but i think the real 2 way's are alot better, just cause they aren't locked all the time and still spin both tires just liek a welded.
hachibill said:
the key tot he vlsd is to use crappy tires to help keep it alive.

my r200 vlsd locked quite well when i used to use 195's in the back. 235 and 245s in the back the vlsd dose not want to lock 1:1 much anymore it dose get the job done though.
180sx five bolt vlsd is what I'm running. I love it. Hope it lasts me a while. Tires, the crappier the better, and of course both the same contact patch on each sides.
Originally Posted by Alchemist XL
get a 1.5 way from nismo or cusco those rock

I agree. I tested a 1.5 way on an S14 and I was amazed of how much fun that **** was.

I am using a 1 way clutch type on the bimmer and it's a hell of an improvement over an open diff. It's like night and day.

hey rwdrift, by any chance was that johns s14 you test drove? a blue s14? i sold him that 1.5 lsd for $600 ****er cost me 1,200. oh well, i needed the money.
well i guess since this is back from the dead, im running a nismo 2 way right now. What a difference, it has the same 70ft lb break away tq as the factory nissan vlsd so not much of the turn in charictoristics have changed. Locking on accel and decel is amazing. There is so much more control over the cars angle mid drift and everything is alot more consistant before then with the vlsd or open.

okay, let the thread die again.
How much does the 1.5 NISMO LSD for the 240sx run for? Believe it or not the only thing NISMO has ever made for my car is a LSD but it only has 45lbs of break away torque, and its $600.
I welded my own differential, I have not had a chance to drift with it yet but from driving around it feels really good.. One thing is I can feel there is more stress put on the front tires in turns, understeer is a *****!

as far as daily driving I would not recomend it, if you like to do sprited daily driving because the rear will kick out really easy.. It makes cool chirping noises at slow speed! people look at you funny when you're at the gas station! lol
i hhhaateeeee welded....maybe for like easy bs turns....but once u learn...at least a liittle....ull hate it...ide rock open before a welded one.....but thats why i baught a kaaz 1.5
m4nfred said:
i hhhaateeeee welded....maybe for like easy bs turns....but once u learn...at least a liittle....ull hate it...ide rock open before a welded one.....but thats why i baught a kaaz 1.5

+1 welded sucks.

unless you learn your bad habits on it.
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