What BOv does Maxis use

Blind Drifter

So i was out at the event today and really liked the BOV on the Maxxis cars. Can anyone tell me which BOV it is? I was on their site and it said Greddy type S. They must have not updated the site. So who has the answer?
Blind Drifter said:
So i was out at the event today and really liked the BOV on the Maxxis cars. Can anyone tell me which BOV it is? I was on their site and it said Greddy type S. They must have not updated the site. So who has the answer?

yea i was there today it sound kool, but if i had to daily drive with it i would shoot my self, it sound like u have a loose belt or sumthing
Was that the one that sounded like brake squealers (wear indicators)? That sh*t was hurting my ears :)

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Tracy's user name is : Tracy

She is one of the Maxxis crew, she drives one of their s14's.

if you find out what it is, post it on here. I am interested as well.
Well, it is the S-max bov also known as speedmax. Now the probel;m is, i cant find where to buy one. Their site does not work. Nothing pops up on ebay.
what bov dose maxxis use................ an annoying one.

dose a good job of getting your attention but after you hear 2 runs its annoying as fuck.
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