sorry guys couldnt make it tonight...had to meet up with our realtor and sign the real contract!
sorry guys couldnt make it tonight...had to meet up with our realtor and sign the real contract!
damnit i wanted one!
YOU DIDN'T ASK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will see you in countyline. Please come up to me. I know you were there with guillermo and his dad when guillermo's dad was explaining to me the history of sequential turbos.. lol but that was my last t-shirt I will have more in countyline:bigthumbu
MOEEEE i wants a jdm of miami chirt
sorry but we all know Emils situation in orlando. .aka fajado lol . . sorry darling . so if ur down Emil. . u can tell ur friend here ^ to give the chirt lol to Guille he can give it to me, and i will give it to Christie so when she goes on Sunday u can get it... IF you want it that bad. .MOEEEE i wants a jdm of miami chirt
im going to countyline for sure yo!:bigthumbuwhos going tomorrow or going to countyline?
whos going tomorrow or going to countyline?
tonight? What is happening at coutnyline...sorry im completely lost lol.
drifting on the skidpad at countyline 7pm-12pm!!!