WARNING: Extremely graphic images. Someone tell me this is just a dumb chain letter.

No I meant that the U.S is fuckin stupid lol.. invading countries for no reason, and bombing them. if you do your research and know your shit you would all back me up on this. no matter how much you love this country. i love it too. but it's a big fuck up and always butts in other country's business..

but, i love it haha. it gives me a free edumacation
mkiriakopoulos said:
No I meant that the U.S is fuckin stupid lol.. invading countries for no reason, and bombing them. if you do your research and know your shit you would all back me up on this. no matter how much you love this country. i love it too. but it's a big fuck up and always butts in other country's business..

but, i love it haha. it gives me a free edumacation

Ha ok. :rolleyes:
All children have the same opportunity when it comes to education is a statement I've heard so many times in this country, especially the first few years I lived here.

I disagree.

The more money you/your parents have, the higher your chance of attending a prestigious school.

The mediocre kid who didn't study all that hard but has LOADS of money from mom and dad will make it to a good university against a kid that is very smart and studied hard but has no money. And don't tell me he has scholarships to fall back on. That would be the case if he stayed in state. But how many times does Harvard or MIT give full rides to out of state students? Guarantee not many.
Tonymac said:
^That is true to some degree but Harvard and MIT are both private universities.

Yes, and that also supports my statement that the rich kid will be able to afford it while the poor kid can't. Even so, the average out of state tuition reaches around 30-40K/year for non-private institutions. Imagine what the private schools cost. To give you an idea how expensive it is for less wealthy students, in 2002, the average family income in the United States was about $37K.
I'm just saying, you can get a good eduction in this country if you want. Maybe you're not going to get a scholarship to Harvard, Yale, or MIT even if you do deserve it, but they are private universities and really don't weigh into the equation. I pay my own way through school b/c I acted like moron as a freshman at UCF and ruined my scholarship (and my parental assistance). I know what it costs. It is very expensive even at my cheap college (FAU). Books are ridiculous, student loans are a curse, and I don't qualify for financial aid. I so wish I could quit my job, take 2x the load of classes, and still afford...anything. I need a benefactor.
im chinese and sorry to say...ive never eaten baby fetuses or monkey brains...

on the other hand...American culture tends to be very close minded
i hate naggers! jews! chincs! spics! lol americans are verrrrrryyyyyyyyy close minded im cuban and wenever i go sumwhere to anotha state they swear im mexican or from spain lol
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