WARNING: Extremely graphic images. Someone tell me this is just a dumb chain letter.


Nevermind, I decided to remove the photos from photobucket. I didn't wanna look at cooked babies every time I accessed the page. Hah.

But yes, the three squeaks is yummy. I'm making some tonight.

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oh come on that cant be real.... if is i would like to find out where they are doing this cause thats crazy.. but i think its fake
I don't know. The chinese have a meal called "The 3 Squeeks"

Its basically baby rats, when they've just been born, still blind with the clear-like skin covering their body.

The first squeakis heard when grabbing them with chopsticks.
The second squeak is heard when dipping them in the soy sauce.
The third squeak is heard when your teeth have at them.

True story, from a Chinese friend.

I figured it's fake. But just wanted to have someone tell me. :]

It's sick though.
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wow thats kinda fucked up. and as for the baby thing being fake, i knew it had to be, that to is fucked up also.
Yeah, even though you know it's fake, it's kind of crazy how realistic it looks. Or it doesn't? I've never seen a baby being cooked, so I wouldn't know.
dont lie ilida you've been eating babys i saw you do it.... and im not a stocker. haha it does look very realistic, and what is werid is that someone would think this for a joke.
^ I think that's what I have a problem with. That someone has such a vivid imagination to do something like that... I don't know. I removed the photos from the page cause it made me queezy. I realized that it messed up the entire post. Woops. :]

But yes, I am a habitual baby eater.
The Chinese are weird and crazy people....they eat fried rats, big ass spyders, cats, dogs.....why wouldn't they think of some disgusting way of keeping the population down!!!! You guys ever think about that.....these people are cooking babies to keep the population down!!!!

Just like how Bob Barker from Price is right use to say, Keep ur pets knuttered(if i correctly spelled that..lol) to control the pet population........and this was early is the 90s
^ Haha. Agreed, which is also a reason why I thought that something like that WOULD actually occur in China, especially after the One Child Laws passed. But that's being naive. Eventually someone would use it as an excuse to start a war for certain resources and then baby cooking would end.
If Al Queada in Iraq can kidnap children and cook them to serve to their own parents as a means to pressure them into submission I wouldn't put anything past the Chinese...
In times of famine and sometimes during revolutions it has been reported that people in China resorted to cannibalism. Children would be the easiest prey... There are still reports coming out of North Korea that cannibalism has been practiced there recently during famines in the 90s.

Slight tangent.... about Korea. My brother was stationed in South Korea as a speedbump in case the North Koreans invaded... Sometimes the South Koreans would protest and jeer at the army base demanding that they leave. People are fucking eating each other a couple miles to the north and a sizable segment of south koreans want the only protector of their fertile land and booming industry to leave.

I roflled.
Haha i'm chinese doesn't mean we all eat that shit....just like not all white people have sex with there brothers,sisters,fathers, or mothers =D
Damn, maybe I wasn't being too gullible. I suspected something like this would occur in countries with situations like those in China, such as overpopulation and one child restrictions. I was told the government actually fines the parents for the second child, except for the circumstance of producing twins.

The Chinese place a great emphasis on health and stamina, a reason why they chose to introduce non-traditional food items into their diets, such as turtles, rats, congealed blood, etc. I'm most definitely sure that cannibalistic tendencies have existed/exist in the Chinese traditions.
obby said:
Slight tangent.... about Korea. My brother was stationed in South Korea as a speedbump in case the North Koreans invaded... Sometimes the South Koreans would protest and jeer at the army base demanding that they leave. People are fucking eating each other a couple miles to the north and a sizable segment of south koreans want the only protector of their fertile land and booming industry to leave.

I roflled.

No because America is the world's greatest terrorist. We have an evil dictatorship government trying to take over the world.


In all seriousness though, Koreans (especially North Korea) are brainwashed into believing what I said above. In schools as little kids they are taught to hate us.
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