Very Important Quesion!

m4nfred said: like catch...zatch......past tense = zaught???????

zatch that means your that little blonde kid that follows zak around screaming lazers out of your mouth when he reads it out of his book?!?!?! :confused: :confused: :confused:

and mail vans are technically more used for bulk drops such as warehouses or places of business. so there is really no need to have them rhd because they will never be dropping off at peoples houses in masses. makes more sense for the actual mail man jeep because its there daily task all day every day. hope that helps.

and for big mike and tj..... :p
chuck its LYSSA get it right geezzz..!!!! ok thanks guys i understand the whole mail man truck versus van concept now and wat side is on and all... i'll come back with more questions that i might have later
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