Very Important Quesion!


Hi i was just wondering you know how the mail man trucks are right hand drive? why why are they right hand drive and the mail vans arent? and also are the mail man trucks left hand drive in countries that drive on the opposite side of the road so why and also are their mail mini vans right hand drive? Thanks i really appreciate a quick response...I MUST KNOW!!! ASAP!!
well the mail cars here are rhd because of the mail boxes on the side of the road, so they are easier to reach and put mail in. The mail VANS arent rhd because mainly they have boxes that need to be take to the door of a house or buisness so they dont have to reach mailboxes. And mail vehicals onther places arnt rhd because they drive on the other side of the road and normally they would be rhd (opposite from us). And i cant belive i found time in my day to answer this question
we i live the driver is on the top of the mail sub.....and the mail boxes are one the bottom of your underwater spaceship.
Old RHD Mail trucks are plentyful. Someone should drift one. Or registar a RHD s13 Coupe as one they are both square and akward.
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