This goes out to that crack feinding homeless man with my radio.

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I hope you got that rock you wanted. I hope you feel F*cking satisfied about what you did. I hope you got enough for more then a few days. I hope it was worth walking onto my lawn with your old beat up shoes and after entering my car silently tearing up my center console, thanks for leaving the cover well enough intact to place where it was as how it was. I hope that radio serves you well and the CD you got with it provides you with countless hours of enjoyment as you do whatever it is you do with crack. I HOPE YOU'RE F*CKING SATISFIED YOU ROTTING PEICE OF SOCIETAL BACKWASH! Y'know it was f*cking great how you took not only the radio to my car but also tainted the fond memories I had when i was installing that same f*cking radio with my dad who is now thousands of miles away. Oh but wait... you needed that rock to get you through the night well guess what F*CK YOU!

My F*cking God, just when I was starting to feel safe in my own neighborhood you go on ahead and pull off this bullsh*it.

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