thinking about painting my 240 flat black, should i?

no. flat spray paint will never blend well and you cannot wash the car.
semi flat is where its at. but don't do it black because i will have to carve 'i suck dick' on your hood if you do.

it probably won't come out great if you haven't ever spray painted a car before...
rattle can'ing it flat black WILL LOOK LIKE TOTAL SHIT!!! UNLESS u wet sand the shit outta it then spray again and wetsand with a finer grit rinse and repeat, o yeah if u go thru all that trouble clear coat it and it will look amazing
my .02 use ACE Rust Stop Satin black spray paint. Best flat black rattle can job ive seen. Most people on here remember my supra there was zero striping on it and a nice even finish but its not flat its satin. The cans are double the size of normal krylon cans so it makes it easier to keep it even. The less time you take between spray the better.if you let it dry and need to touch up a spot you have to paint the whole car with another even coat or it will look like shit.
i sprayed mine flat black and i love it the paint coast me only like a 150 and some tape and paper to cover and i sprayed it at my friends garage
my .02 use ACE Rust Stop Satin black spray paint. Best flat black rattle can job ive seen. Most people on here remember my supra there was zero striping on it and a nice even finish but its not flat its satin. The cans are double the size of normal krylon cans so it makes it easier to keep it even. The less time you take between spray the better.if you let it dry and need to touch up a spot you have to paint the whole car with another even coat or it will look like shit.

i plan on painting it satin black idk why i said "flat" black, does anyone have any pics of other spray on paintjobs that arent black?

im thinking of painting it white with rattle can now, and use like 15-20 cans
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flat red. be diffrent
satin black. that's the new shit. still flat ish, just sexier

jaja, flat is wahck...its all about teh semi-flat or satin. am thinking of redoing mine a satin army green. but i have tried a few different colors and seem to like black the best.

that red 14 looks good tho.
If you do go rattle can flat use a paint called camo by krylon. I painted my boys offroad 4 door cheroke with it. Looked sick as hell and the paint is tough as hell. We painted the whole jeep with like 6 cans so it should take you less to paint a 240.

Btw sand off the clear coat and spray the whole car with a little filler primer and no matter what you do it will look sick as fuQ
yeah.. i've never heard that at all, like it sorta makes sense. but i just have never heard that. weird... regardless... the color is sweet!
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