THIEF ALERT!!! Don't deal with Emilio Chavez nor Miguel Matos

Sry Moe that sucks did you have a completed work order? Well it doesnt matter if you already released the vehicle anyway. Hopefully he comes and coughs up the moola. PM who it is that he was referred by sflmember so and so. Maybe he could help most.
yea u definately dont deserve this type of shit...u run that business really well...i hope everything works out

Thank you.

i fuckin knew it....damnit emil....thats it im never inviting you to my house again!

Emil will never do something like that...

never trust no one bro srry abt that

Yes lesson learned. I don't care if your Bladders brother or cousin. No money no keys.

that fuckin sux dude but yea i think ur better off letting the authorities handle it. GL to u man and hope u find those fuckers

I first want to take my chances to see if someone knows these people. I want my money after that I drop this topic

thank god this type of shit never happens to me

i have no patience or control for shit like that

personally ide find the car bust the window and torch that fucking piece of shit parked right outside his job/home

pm me if anything lol

No need for voilence. All I want is to get payed

Look MOE hire ME, M4NFRED, and jdmnismo3000 as what I like to call the regulators! We will find your thiefs HAHAHA!

No need for voilence

im sorry to hear that moe, so far the best advice is to call the authorities. i tried looking up anything to do with the mechanic being able to repo a car if the customer cannot make the service payment but I couldnt find anything. maybe you'll have better luck.

good luck with everything and let us know what happened

Thanx for all your help anna

You gotta have more info than just their names. Do you have to fill out any paperwork when you go get work done? You have a bank account routing number in that check for example,and I'm just saying that if that information where to somehow make it into the intertubes........ Well, there's bad people out there.

I got info. I can turn it in to the athourities. I want people to know and maybe someone out there can get a hold of these guys. Mayeb thay can give them some scene that they are theifs. They owe someone who gave them what they wanted, they need to pay the price. If they are that broke, then don't go claiming you got money to pay for something you can't afford. I know people are broke, but don't use another persons reputation to get a good deal and yet not pay. That person dosen't need that. They payed their dues, they should do the same for the sake of this persons reputation.


it shity but i dont think the cops will do anything at least thats what i think from my experience.

What do you mean by that??? Can you care to explain?

moe i pmd you, hopefully i can be of some help

Thanx for the info eddie:bigthumbu

damn dude sucks, how you catch them. oh and im Emilio GARCIA not chavez for those of you already getting the wrong idea. hope it all turns out brosky

^^ Incocent until proven guilty

descrip of the car so I can keep an eye up here in tampa

91 240sx Black with what In think it's a orgin body kit in black and he has 17 in 4 lug sportmax rims in black as well. He is missing the passenger seat and they are the stock bucket ones. I have a copy of his license and if I wanted to know I can post it on here. I just need to get a hold of either one of them and get my money.


Sry Moe that sucks did you have a completed work order? Well it doesnt matter if you already released the vehicle anyway. Hopefully he comes and coughs up the moola. PM who it is that he was referred by sflmember so and so. Maybe he could help most.

The sfl member knows about the problem, but there is only so much he can do.

I know he is reading this.. It is only up to him to go to this people and demand the money and do the right thing.

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When you do the invoice you take down there Vin # and Plate number like we do. Did you do that?
How long ago did this happen is I may ask? Remember you can't make the claim after 45 days if im not mistaken, LMK if anything is needed.
Moe, dude repo their shit for the failure to pay and put a shop lein on that bitch and keep it for yourself. If they happen to come up with the money after a certain amount of time they will have to pay a lot more than the original price so you will make the money back and get more for just having to go through the hassle.

at my shop we dont take chacks at all, no pay no car.
I'm sorry ur kindness got abused like that bro, I say call the cops... or put that SFLD member out ther so he can get u ur $$$
Moe, dude repo their shit for the failure to pay and put a shop lein on that bitch and keep it for yourself. If they happen to come up with the money after a certain amount of time they will have to pay a lot more than the original price so you will make the money back and get more for just having to go through the hassle.

Thanx for the advise Shawn:bigthumbu


at my shop we dont take chacks at all, no pay no car.
I'm sorry ur kindness got abused like that bro, I say call the cops... or put that SFLD member out ther so he can get u ur $$$

Lesson learned :(

that sucks moe... i know a guy, who knows this guy, who can solve your problem...

Hopefully this get's solved quickly

moe i pmed you some info. lmk if you may need anything else

Thank you Anna:bigthumbu

pm me info. ill make a trip and collect. me and mr.louisville slugger.

I got in contact with the guy with the bad check.. Hopefully I will see my money on Thursday. I will keep you guys posted and once again thanx to everyone that has helped me along this problem. This also includes the sfld member:bigthumbu
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I meet up with Miguel Matos. He payed his dues so he took care of his part. He meet and sat down and talk for a while. We settle our differences and we are cool now.

His cousin still owes me the $25.00 for the mount. But I will keep Him on the thread until he pays for it.

Thanx Sfldrifters, Thanx Miguel on giving me money, and Thanx Sfld memeber:bigthumbu you really came through
Thanx for the advise Shawn:bigthumbu

Lesson learned :(

Hopefully this get's solved quickly

Thank you Anna:bigthumbu

I got in contact with the guy with the bad check.. Hopefully I will see my money on Thursday. I will keep you guys posted and once again thanx to everyone that has helped me along this problem. This also includes the sfld member:bigthumbu

Writing a bad check, theres a couple of charges.
I hope the guy wrecked his shit on alligator alley as a result of your faulty work Moe....Now wouldn't that be some crap?:laugh:
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