They just tried to steal my car!

Lucky you caught him, and how fast were you running that you caught up to him and were in the range to press the panic button? What if you would have stepped on glass? AND what kind of ride did you give your friend when you got back??

Good job anywho.
Lucky you caught him, and how fast were you running that you caught up to him and were in the range to press the panic button? What if you would have stepped on glass? AND what kind of ride did you give your friend when you got back??

Good job anywho.

Well the moment I heard the warning I started putting on my jeans to go check on my car. It's usually a cat or something, but I always check cause I had an incident once outside my own place where I found someone literally under my car and I "interviewed" him with my shotgun about his intentions.... In any case I was hauling ass dude, I'm a fat body, but I play rugby so my conditioning is pretty good, I pressed the panic button and I guess he just thought the alarm was going off and he probably pulled into the shopping center to disconnect the battery and what not and that's when I caught up with his ass. Trust me, glass in my feet was the least of my worries at that point, I was so foken heated I don't think I would have noticed if I had stepped on a bear trap. :bigthumbu
damn dude. shady fucking ppl man that sucks. but now you have the upper hand.

*so rip this company a new one
*win lawsuit
* buy a badass motor setup
*start parking in a garage
good story bro! lol no but seriously good story, and nice heads up, i just got my daily towed for "illegal parking" and it sux balls, cost me $160 :(
There have been a couple towing agencies caught illegally towing cars to charge the recovery fee. I think that was even one of the ones I've heard before on a news channel 5 report. Besides suing them take all the info and pictures of any damage and email it all to each of the major news channels in palm beach and broward county especially new ch. 5 cause their big on really digging into things like this. You get it on a couple prime time news casts and all of a sudden every person will question every single time they see them tow a car and they won't be able to get away with shit lol.
There should be a way to get better enforcement for tow companies. Like actually having to visually document the "offense" at a given time.. Or take a picture of your own damn car in the spot to argue with (that is WHEN you park, and before it could possibly get towed).. These companies are doing this shit all the time now, and its costing innocent people money because some scumbag wants to make $50 to buy some weed, while the tow company makes some cash also.. Most these tow guys think they can get away with it because they have the company to back them up. This shit happened to a friend of mine in Kendal when we were out and I had to dish out $180 to get her car out so I could get home.. ( she was my ride) My gf got towed because she was "improperly parked" on her first offense at an apartment complex. Normally you are supposed to get a big nasty orange sticker on the window, then towed, but they took it anyway. There went another $150 to a tow yard in Hollywood. I think people should spend more time on how you can petition to get the representing tow company removed from a location, and replaced with a more reputable one. My neighborhood has had 3 tow companies, until we found one that didn't "tow your car because it was red...." But we had to give them hell to do it.
I'm doing my research and even though most people usually bitch about tow truck companies, the reviews on these guys are really freaking bad. Most definitely crooked. Like I said, I'll deal with my situation on my own, but guys, be aware of what these guys are doing. They falsify reports, they sure as hell have no respect for your property and how they treat it.

holy balls man you are my hero for actually bookin after that asshole, your doin a good thing by spreading the word to, though i was waiting for the part to come were you ripped him outta the truck and muffed his night up...

because some scumbag wants to make $50 to buy some weed
The #1 reason for cars getting towed illegally.... Marijuana!....The reason for abortions.... Marijuana!...What caused hurricane Katrina? Marijuana! Why do we have serial killers? Marijuana!! Why's the economy shitty? MARIJUANA!!! Lmao. Good job on getting your car back. Keep an eye out for marijuana or it will take yo car!!!
The #1 reason for cars getting towed illegally.... Marijuana!....The reason for abortions.... Marijuana!...What caused hurricane Katrina? Marijuana! Why do we have serial killers? Marijuana!! Why's the economy shitty? MARIJUANA!!! Lmao. Good job on getting your car back. Keep an eye out for marijuana or it will take yo car!!!

Lmfao... I couldn't have said it any better.. I was kidding on the weed part, but they are out there to make some money, whether it be to pay bills, buy weed, or get food, they're still out there stealin your shit...
u should definitely get a lawyer and sue them, im sure there's a lot more tow companies doing it so do all you can to get as much money as u can ,good luck..........................and lol at the tags
Sorry to bump up but here's some more good info.

Collision coverage will handle this type of damage for you. That means that your insurance takes care of the damage and then they legally pursue the towing companies insurance for the bill. That would be the best solution because you just get your car fixed and you don't have to worry about the rest.

The second option in case you don't have collision coverage is to pay for damages out of pocket and then go to civil court but this will be more complicated and it's definitely recommended to have an attorney. You can find one under General Law in the yellow pages.
def call the company and scare them into getting sued, make up a fake but legit looking estimate of your damages and fax it to them.
make up a number your happy with and double it, if they do decide to co op theyll try to settle half way or so. if not then find a lawyer and sue his ass.

tow truck drivers suck.

ps after you get this resolved the legal way. do what anyone else would and fuck him up.
aluminum bat + mask + cover of darkness ---- = serious revenge!
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