The SFLDrifters Podcast: Episode 004

just leaving this here. this is me at countyline open diff with tein springs linking the track. i must say its i had to fight the car alot to keep it going. this is the way i learned but w.e.

tandeming with bayly. Me open diff



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so anyone with a welded ever feel like the car is pushing you foward when you turn? my corolla feels like when i turn there is a certain amount of push foward.

if this makes any sense lol

well i heard 2ways dont have that. only difference ive ever noticed. but its not enough for me to consider spending more than the $50 bucks it would cost someone to weld my diff.
^I think you should try a little toe out in the front. I also know you don't have a rear sway bar. A stiffer rear sway bar will make the rear of the car easier to rotate.
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