The King of Countyline Series - Round 2



[size=+1]Drift: $50 | Spectate: $15 | Where: Countyline Dragway[/size]

[size=+1]// Series Overview \\[/size]​

The biggest questions that drivers seem to have are:

"If I missed round 1 can I still do round 2 ?"

"Can I drive in round 3 the finals if I missed Round 1 and round 2 ?"
Answer: NO

Second Round (October 28):
10am-11am roll in
11am-2pm open practice.
2pm-3pm qualifying.
3pm-7pm open practice.

The same conditions from the first round will be applied in this round only this time your final score of the day will be added to your final score from the previous event. The sum of both scores will determine your place in the Top 32 competition for the final event.

Final Round (December 16):
10am-11am roll in
11am-1pm top 32 open practice.
1pm-3pm top 32 eliminations.
3pm-4pm Bottom 16 will get an hour open practice.
4:30pm till end will be top 16 till we have our winners.

This will be a tandem-only event where the Top 32 drivers will battle it out for The King of Countyline title. Only the Top 32 will have the option to register and compete for this event.

All three events will be judged by the same individuals: Tim Murphy from Drift Sessions, Mr Will Barnett "Rhythm Drift" and Captain Ben. Drivers must pay attention to everything the judges are looking for as they will be specific with certain criteria. If you haven't done so already, you can view the track layout with some of the judging criteria in the following link:

More information will be announced during the drivers meeting which is mandatory for drivers to attend.

The driver or their representative must present themselves with their argument to the judges before the next driver or pair goes out.

[size=+1]// The Basics \\[/size]​

- All drivers pay at the gate $50
- Fee covers driver only.
- Only one driver per car.
- Drivers must arrive by the start of the event or they will not be allowed to drive.
- No burnouts, donuts or any other driver mis-conduct or they will be forced to leave the event.
- Drivers and any passengers must keep their hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times.

[size=+1]// Tech Requirements \\[/size]​

- NO shirts, NO shoes, NO pants..... NO SERVICE!! or drifting for you.
- Must have OEM style battery tie downs with insulated terminal ( electrical tape)
- If battery has been relocated, it must be in a battery box and secured.
- Helmet must be snell/DOT SA2005 or newer.
- No loose items in the car.
- Radiators need to have brackets NOT ZIP TIED!!!!!
- OEM seat belts or if A 4/5 point harnesses are in place, they must comply with FD regulations.
- Seats may be OEM or SFI approved. ( and the seat must be bolted at all four corners )
- No cracked windshields.
- All lugs must be in place.
- No fluid leaks.
- Convertibles must have roll bars.
- Working windshield wipers.
- After the first and second round, the top 32 drivers will be required to increase their safety equipment such as installing fire extinguishers within drivers reach.

[size=+1]// Contact \\[/size]​

Event information: hachi
Media Passes: Captain Ben
Track information: Countyline Dragway | 305.303.1098

A note regarding media: If you have Media status on the forum then all you need to do is send your first and last name to Captain Ben. If you're not in the Media group then send some samples of your work along with the equipment you'll be using at the event. The cutoff date for Media registrations will be: 10/26/12
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An Unhooked vacum line witch lead to full throttle or nothing plus rain lead to my down fall at rd.1 and didn't get to post a first score. I normally am OCD about checking and rechecking my car after i fix issues at the track.

This time I'm gonna make sure I test the car b4 the event thouroghly so I can make Top 32.

And now with having to make sure i don't mess up on both my runs my 3 game plans are to just do to safe runs and not be too aggressive. Or first run be safe an then go balls out in the second run. Or go balls out to the wall for both runs and try and secure #1 quilifying spot like I know I'm capable of.

We will have to see how the Creek event goes the week before. That will give me my game plan.

Hopefully I'll have some new goodies for the car :driving:.
An Unhooked vacum line witch lead to full throttle or nothing plus rain lead to my down fall at rd.1 .

You were given the option to continue the runs after the rain. Which would have given you the time to address the issue with the vacuum line. Next time take a breath before just rushing to do bad. You drove awesome the rest of the day.
You were given the option to continue the runs after the rain. Which would have given you the time to address the issue with the vacuum line. Next time take a breath before just rushing to do bad. You drove awesome the rest of the day.

I was caught up in the moment and frustarted with the fact my wastegate was loose and thats why i got 1 practice run. I wasn't thinking right. I'm def gonna be more smart and use my head more when it comes to stuff like that. Plus knowing how florida could have never stopped raining. So I was just thinking get it done while the rain is still pretty light.
Thank God after over 5 yrs of wanting a Hydro e-brake I am making it happen and will be a set up for this. Now I can enter even early than I used to now that both my wheels will be locking up.
Car is in the shop getting the Hydro dual caliper setup installed. Now I can enter super aggressive like I have always wanted to knowing my wheels will always lock. got 2 weeks to get it done and a good test will be the Casino event. super excited.

Oh got a question: just so i'm 100% clear...since you guys are taking the top score from rd.1 and rd.2 to combine them for the Top 32 score. That means that since I failed to post a score at rd.1 I have to complete both my judged runs without getting a zero in order to make Top 32 correct? I'm just trying to get my game plan for how hard or safe I need to drive my judged runs. thanks:bigthumbu
You don't have to complete both of your runs. You could got a 0 in your first run and then get an 80 in the second run. Thus you'll end the day with a score of 80 since that was the highest score you could accomplish from the runs you were given to qualify. After we tally up everyones score from both events, if the 32nd position ends up being taken up by someone with a total score of 81 or higher, then you won't be able to compete in the final event.

Since you failed to score in the first event, it is imperative that you try to achieve the highest score possible in order to guarantee a spot for yourself in the final event.
You don't have to complete both of your runs. You could got a 0 in your first run and then get an 80 in the second run. Thus you'll end the day with a score of 80 since that was the highest score you could accomplish from the runs you were given to qualify. After we tally up everyones score from both events, if the 32nd position ends up being taken up by someone with a total score of 81 or higher, then you won't be able to compete in the final event.

Since you failed to score in the first event, it is imperative that you try to achieve the highest score possible in order to guarantee a spot for yourself in the final event.

Exactly thats what I was talking about. I really cant get a zero at all. That isn't an option what so ever. I'll just make sure I get a really good practice session in before quailifying cuz I want to atleast be in the top 5, but I know I can quilify number 1. Thanks Ben.
If anyone needs help connecting the course layout on the day of the event, look for me within the first hour and I'll help you out.
Same layout as the previous KOCL event?

Cant wait for this... first time sliding countyline, been practicing alot lately just for this lol
Will the solo class be split again and if so will one group be mixed with Tandem like round 1?
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