The cop are A**HOLE!!!!!!!!

The cop are F*CKING A**HOLE I am saying this bc He killed my faviote dog while f*cking a**hole looking for my brother n law..... My german sheprd Dog (Bobby) Are very nice dog he not even mean he is so very friendly... I dont understand why the f*cking a**hole kiiled my dog... Bobby didnt even bark at him or run to him the f*ucking A**hole just shot Bobby 3 time 1 in head 1 in chest and 1 in the leg........ :mad: we are abt to sue him cuz he dont have a warrant to get in my property and killed my dog....:mad:
Welcome to the police state we live in, Thank you patriot act

Im sorry for the loss of your dog, Thats fucking BULLSHIT
yea excatly it fucking bullshit i was abt to go jail for trying to fight with cop that who shot my dog....

i was with my dog for 7 years he is so sweet and friendly and now guess what He dead fuck!
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omg dude. wow. i'm so sorry to hear that. it's just nuts. no one should have to lose a pet that way. what an asshole.
i was reading the post tittle and i was gonna say not all are douvhes cuz i got outta 100mph ticket in a 50 but fuck that. I feel ya dude if some badge came and shot my german sheprhard i would have fucking ripped him apart. wtf im soooo mad for u right now, fuck that cop. I bet he would like it if someone shot his kid thats not kool
documentation documentation documentation. Write a report stating that you heard no dog barking prior to the gunfire. get every neighbor around you to make the same statement on paper. explain the dogs prior behavior with unknown people entering the yard *if any*

The more you have on paper the better chances you have. Im telling you now though, its very rough to get this through. We are authorized to use deadly force if we feel our life is threatened.....but we have to back it up on paper as well *and I mean back it up to the fullest extent*

good luck man
Yes i did write a ton page of reports and we have 3 witness. alot of detectives came after and did an ivestigation and im waiting for the results.... Bc i know cop talk alot bullshit abt how it happen..... but hopefully the detectives believe us more than the cops....
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