Talk about a sh1tty day.


The Courteous Asshole
Well today I was on my way home from work and I take the usual route home which is route 9 south towards cromwell.middletown (372). I ended up being stuck in traffic from about the i95 exits. Bumper to bumper for about 45 min. Then when I got closer to my exit the car starts idling under 1000 about 500 or so and starts bogging something crazy. So I sit there for about 10 min giving it gas to keep the rpms up. All of a sudden the car starts bogging again and this time I floor the car in neutral and its not going over 1000 rpms and then just shuts off. Mind you im about a 5 min drive to my house now still on the highway in traffic. End up pulling to the emergency lane and letting it roll down to an overpass but having to stop short cuz theres another guy broken down under the overpass, but instead of being in the emergency lane like he should hes sitting right in the middle of the road. I call my pops to come and give me a jump and hes on his way, in the meantime the other guys comes and gives him a jump and he goes. Im waiting about another 25 for my pops because of all the traffic. Now while waiting a cop shows up, flashes his lights and comes over to me and ask me if I was parked in the middle of the road, I tell him no that guy was there earlier and left. So he asks me if anyone is coming to help and I told him yea my pops is coming to give me a jump, he says ok and walks back to his car. Im waiting and waiting and my pops finally gets there. Hes about to give me a jump and the cop is like you cant do that, its dangerous and I already called a junker to come and pick up the car. Im like wtf 1) I told you he was coming to give me a jump you should have told me he couldnt then and 2) I have AAA if I needed them I would have called them. So im already annoyed because im close to 3 hours parked on the side of the road. Then to top it off my pops was going to wait with me and the cop was like no you cant park your car on the side of the road because then the junker wont be able to pick up the car. So he had to leave. I end up waiting another 30 min. The guy finally comes, hes cool loads up the car and takes it home, But now im screwed because 1) I had AAA they could have done it for free and 2) because the cop called the truck I had to pay a rate thats $30+ more than the usual rate. Ended up paying $85, getting my new exhaust scratched to mickey and cracking my front lip. What a great day....on top of that the car isnt even powering up when you turn the ignition so I cant tell if its the battery or the altenator thats fuct. This crap always happens to me right before im about to get home.... :runaway:
to find out if its the altanator or the battery charge the battery, start the car take off the postive cable if it stays running its the battery if it shuts off its the altanator...hope this helps sorry for the ****ty day hope it gets better
well it cant be the battery.the thing is that ur alternator gone bAd so u ran all battery after the alternator gave out on happen to me 3 weeks ago with my civic.i hope u fix the problem.damn stupid cop.i hope they pay for ur muffler and lip they damage.damn bastard.good luck.
damn sounds like my life... good luck.. i dont even know why you put the streets that you were on... like we would even know? hahaha again good luck
lol sorry it was originally posted on the ct site. but instead of me rewriting it i just said to hell with it and copy paste.
Damn dude that **** sucks...happens to me a lot minus the cop part...actually my car is dead as we speak b/c my starter took a **** and its stuck at a freinds house so i cant wake up and look at it everyday
a ****ty day just because your alternator took a crap? haha

**** the cop, push ur car in the grass and jump it there. you wouldnt be out the 85$
i had a ****ty day one time when my alternator died and me and rick were drifting in the rain and all of a sudden my wipers wouldnt work and my lights went dim and I couldnt see **** and then my car died, I thought I blew my motor, I was sad. And then we had to keep jumping my car and running red lights to get it home lol.. it was pretty gay since my lights and **** wouldn't stay on and as soon as i put them on the battery died rawr!
Wow thats a sh!ity fu cking day, you should have told the cop that you weren't going to use the junker. He can't abligate you to use it, since you already have triple A all he can do is sit there and wait with you or mind his own god damn buissness. That happened to me once, the cop tried to pull that same sh!t I practically told him to suck a D!CK. He could do nothing since I had my triple A card, that bastard was sooooo pissed he had to sit there and wait for 2 hours while triple A got there. Hhehehehe that made my bad experiance turn out pretty good. If you were in the way all you had to do was push your car out of the way, then you wouldn't be in violation.
sucks dude...i think most s13 owners know where your coming from, my car is like having a girlfreind, at least once a month it has to be little *****.
i agree that you probably didnt have to use the truck the cop called, but sometimes just going along with what they want is easiest, dont want him to start writing you needless tickets, you know how they like to hate. i try my best not to piss them off whenever i cross paths with them
240SicknessX said:
a ****ty day just because your alternator took a crap? haha

**** the cop, push ur car in the grass and jump it there. you wouldnt be out the 85$

it wasnt just that, it was also me getting locked out and standing under a bridge for 2 hours while it poured rain...the stupid *** cop didnt even let me hang out in his car in the process. the junker popped the door for me with a hanger. plus other stuff happened that day too...not just my car. so it all contributes for one ****ty day.

Wow thats a sh!ity fu cking day, you should have told the cop that you weren't going to use the junker. He can't abligate you to use it, since you already have triple A all he can do is sit there and wait with you or mind his own god damn buissness. That happened to me once, the cop tried to pull that same sh!t I practically told him to suck a D!CK. He could do nothing since I had my triple A card, that bastard was sooooo pissed he had to sit there and wait for 2 hours while triple A got there. Hhehehehe that made my bad experiance turn out pretty good. If you were in the way all you had to do was push your car out of the way, then you wouldn't be in violation.

I wouldnt have used the junker but he called it when my father showed up, didnt even care to ask if I had AAA. and to top it off AAA doesnt want to reimburse me because I dont have there "premium" plan. fking fkers....they all can go ahead and shove there :bigthumbu in there ***.
i hate when shyt lik that day me n dan were driivng my dads mustang when we found out that my dads gas light dont work at the sheridan and flamingo intersection as soon as the light when green it went thump thump...........beeeep beeep...dan ran out n started pushin it across the intersection when it started to run a lil bit and i almost left him n the but we got to the gas station on fumes.dan the man to the rescue!!
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