T3/4 (~T25) 300zx turbos on an SR?

The facts are that only larger turbos are making the power you think stockers will at 18psi. The other fact is that t25's can't handle that kind of boost. And yet another fact is that at those boost levels, they're so inefficient that detonation should be a larger concern to anyone w/ a brain. Yet another fact, you're a fucking noob in general and pretty god damned cocky to think you can patronize me for "not answering your question." I already told you the turbos are t25s. Meaning, yes they will bolt on to SR's or CA's or anything with a t25 flange. Holy hell. People like you should be banned from the tech section.
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It's a FACT that larger turbos are making power I think stockers are... yet I didn't say what power they make, only suggested max.

Its a FACT that t25's cant handle "that kind of boost" (I assume you mean 18) yet there are people running 18psi on daily drivers. Consider obviously that they are not hitting and holding 18psi all day being that they are daily driven.

It's a FACT that detonation should be a large concern to anyone with a brain, which is exactly why I have stated and shown only those with detonation in mind (meth injection, IC upgrades... you know, SUPPORTING mods?).

If you want to see who was who in the patronizing and down-talking game, review the beginning of this conversation. Who responded to whom with a condescending tone? Why couldn't that have been, "t25 flanges are available on manis for 240 powerplants, your turbos will bolt to t25 flanges,"?
Dude. Seriously?

What people? Your imaginary friends right? Because if you really knew 1 person who owned a turbo'd z, they'd have been able to tell you what kind of turbos you have. NOBODY in the z world refers to their turbos as t3/t4 hybrids yet your brainiac "friends" do? Yeah I don't think so. And if they do, their credibility is shit.

They'd (your imaginary z pals) also tell you that you'd be a fool to expect, assume, or otherwise believe a t25 can handle 18psi for any extended period of time. T25's are not singular to z32's and there are plenty of resources backing up what I'm saying. They're operating well outside of their efficiency range at those levels, which I showed you using that compressor map (learn to read them). OK, you can hold back detonation with meth or race fuel or driving in a giant freezer...whatever, but now you're just reaching out there trying to win a stupid argument you can't even fully understand in the first place.

It has been clear since your incorrect education lesson on the use of a tilde that you're a patronizing fuck with an inability to accept or recognize when you're wrong. And btw, in grammar a tilde is not the equivalent of circa, about, or almost. It's used (in English punctuation) to reflect range or to state negation. Only in mathematics and some programming is a tilde used to reflect approximation. And this aint math.
Hey you're right! A tilde is used to reflect range or state negation! Congratulations! Too bad the same symbol is used for a 'swung dash.' Go ahead and google or wiki that shit like you seem to do everything else, then come back and admit it was a correct use.

Of course you don't have to do that because you're above being wrong. In fact, if you do come to terms here and say it was a proper use after all I'd be shocked.

I'm not going to post any more links or quotes or anything about my imaginary Z friends or the Z's I'm familiar with running 18psi. Only someone who has no base left in an argument would reach like that, further emphasized by your limp-wristed attack on my use of a swung dash... That means by the way that you had to look up the '~' symbol and were too retarded to go past the first thing you found. If you're really interested on Z's pushing higher than normal boost go to 3zc, go to ttnet, go to nico even and search for 18psi and stock turbos or whatever else. You'll find plenty of posts. Thanks for answering my question at least, even if you did surround it with bullshit.
FOR FUCKS SAKE YOU FUCKING DWEEB (dreb) the FUCKING T3 in the Z31 looses it's efficiency at ~15~ psi what makes you think the T25 would make more power then a T3?

here read it may be a Z31 website but at least it's useful.


PS i would know i tried boosting 16.5psi once it didn't work so well :(

BTW tt.net is for fags. 3zc is where the brother hood is at. I swear I should show this to 3zc they'd fucking slap you.
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Join Date: May 2007
Location: Jupiter FL 33458
Make/Model: 1990 2+2 5speed TT Swap RIP, looking for an NA 5spd 2+2 shell
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Posts: 893

Bring it?

I know one original owner in Boca in fact who has his boost set to 18psi on auto turbos. He got it dyno'd recently but his AF was WAY rich. Regardless, he boosts the piss out of it and has never replaced the snails since buying it from the dealer in 1990. The guy that drifts the white z32 here ran 16psi at every stop light and I ran it to 160 without blowing them. Oh ya, not to mention the Mod(s?) of 3zc running 18psi... Maybe they are just different because they are different powerplants? I know as much about Z31's as I do 240's because I dislike both of them about equally but at least have more respect for Z31's (little bit). At the very least I know the compression on the z31 is lower and the heads I assume flow differently than the z32... Oh, and they upgraded to z32 turbos in 88 or 89 (checked: 88). Why would they do that if the t3 is superior? Also found out in checking the year of the change that they simultaneously upped the compression by .5:1 and -decreased- the boost by over 2psi and made 5 more hp. In other words, you're comparing apples to oranges.

And I agree, ttnet blows donkey balls, 3zc gets real answers, has real Z tuners and mechs and an overall higher quality of posts and posters. Only problem is the amount of Z1 tit sucking that goes on there--ttnet has it too but like you said, it sucks anyways.
Hey you're right! A tilde is used to reflect range or state negation! Congratulations! Too bad the same symbol is used for a 'swung dash.' Go ahead and google or wiki that shit like you seem to do everything else, then come back and admit it was a correct use.

Of course you don't have to do that because you're above being wrong. In fact, if you do come to terms here and say it was a proper use after all I'd be shocked.

I'm not going to post any more links or quotes or anything about my imaginary Z friends or the Z's I'm familiar with running 18psi. Only someone who has no base left in an argument would reach like that, further emphasized by your limp-wristed attack on my use of a swung dash... That means by the way that you had to look up the '~' symbol and were too retarded to go past the first thing you found. If you're really interested on Z's pushing higher than normal boost go to 3zc, go to ttnet, go to nico even and search for 18psi and stock turbos or whatever else. You'll find plenty of posts. Thanks for answering my question at least, even if you did surround it with bullshit.

I didn't wiki anything before i posted but i did just now for shits and giggles and i was write lol.

wikipedia said:

The swung dash is often used in dictionaries to represent a word that was mentioned before and is understood, to save space:

[edit] Punctuation

The swung dash (~) is used in various ways in punctuation:

[edit] Range

In some languages (though not English), a tilde-like wavy dash may be used as punctuation (instead of an unspaced hyphen or en-dash) between two numbers, to indicate a range rather than subtraction or a hyphenated number (such as a part number or model number). For example, 12~15 means "12 to 15", ~3 means "up to three" and 100~ means "100 and greater." Japanese and other East Asian languages almost always use this convention, but it is often done for clarity in some other languages as well. Chinese uses the wavy dash and full-width em dash interchangeably for this purpose. In English, the tilde is often used to express ranges and model numbers in electronics but rarely in formal grammar or type-set documents, as a wavy dash preceding a number sometimes represents an approximation (see the Mathematics section, below).

[edit] Japanese

Further information: Japanese punctuation

The wave dash (波ダッシュ, nami dasshu?), (Unicode U+301C) is used for various purposes in Japanese.

In Japanese, the wave dash is also used to separate a title and a subtitle in the same line, as a colon is used in English.

When used in conversations via email or instant messenger it may be used as a sarcasm mark[citation needed] or, in East Asia, as an extension of the final syllable to produce the same effect as “whyyyyyy” with “why〜〜”. Used at the end of a word or sentence in text communications, it often denotes something said in a sing-song voice, or similar to the use in instant messengers and email, depending on context.

[edit] Mathematics

In mathematics, the tilde operator (Unicode U+223C), sometimes pronounced “twiddle”, is often used to denote an equivalence relation between two objects. Thus “x ~ y” means “x is equivalent to y”. (Note that this is usually quite different from stating that x equals y.) The expression “x ~ y” is sometimes read aloud as “x twiddles y”, perhaps as an analogue to the verbal expression of “x = y”.

There are two common contexts in which “~” is used to denote particular equivalence relations: It can be used to denote the asymptotical equality of two functions. For example, f(x) ~ g(x), means that limx→∞ f(x)/g(x) = 1. Additionally, in statistics and probability theory, ~ means “is distributed as”. See random variable.

There is also a triple-tilde, (≋) which is often used to show congruence, an equivalence relation in geometry.

A tilde can also be used to represent Similarity. In modern Geometry, polygons can be similar to one another, and similarity can be expressed as e.g. Triangle ABC ~ (is similar to) Triangle DEF. This is often used to relate polygons that have a geometric similarity to others, such as when using ratios and proportions to compare polygons.

In English it is sometimes used to represent approximation, for example ~10 would mean “approximately 10”. Similar symbols are used in mathematics, such as in π ≈ 3.14, “π is about equal to 3.14”. Since the double-tilde (≈) is not available from the keyboard except on the Macintosh (where it is Option-x on English layouts), the tilde (~) has become a substitute for use in typed entry.

A tilde is also used to indicate “approximately equal to” (e.g. 1.902 ~= 2). This usage probably developed as a typed alternative to the libra symbol used for the same purpose in written mathematics, which is an equal sign (=) with the upper bar replaced by a bar with an upward hump or loop in the middle or, sometimes, a tilde. [Also see Approximation]. The symbol "≈" is also used for this purpose.

A tilde can be used on its own between two expressions (e.g. a ~ 0.1) to state that the two are of the same order of magnitude.

A tilde placed below a letter in mathematics can represent a vector quantity.

[edit] Logic

In written mathematical logic, it represents negation (e.g. “~p” equals “not p”). Modern use has been replacing the tilde with the negation symbol (¬) for this purpose, to avoid confusion with equivalence relations.

so idk where i was wrong. :confused: Some thoughtful person added "in english" under the mathematics section..hmm. Either way, like i said, that wasn't math.

I came in here trying to help but you got pussy hurt over nothing and wanted to play games so I thought it would be fun to make you look dumb. Lucky for me, you made it easy. :) Now you're just back-peddling and making things redundant. I'm bored now. And still waiting on an 16psi 420whp z32 to appear.
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Bring it?
I know as much about Z31's as I do 240's because I dislike both of them about equally but at least have more respect for Z31's (little bit). At the very least I know the compression on the z31 is lower and the heads I assume flow differently than the z32... Oh, and they upgraded to z32 turbos in 88 or 89 (checked: 88). Why would they do that if the t3 is superior? Also found out in checking the year of the change that they simultaneously upped the compression by .5:1 and -decreased- the boost by over 2psi and made 5 more hp. In other words, you're comparing apples to oranges.

wow... just wow....


the 84-87 Z came with a 7:8.1 CR the 87-89 came with a T25 and a upped CR to 8.1 CR so based off this you'd be making the same hp regardless.

the 84-87 boost 6 psi. the 87-89 boost 4psi. they did it so they can keep it in the power range and not go off. the difference between them is the 87-89 they switched to w series pistons which added 5hp more. the 84-86 didn't have the W series pistons which is also why it had a lower CR

EDIT: I'm wrong too it's not pistons it's wrist pins or something along those lines
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I wasn't wrong, see?! WIkipedia says so!!!111!

Use legit sources, not something Stephen Colbert can change:
http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/swung dash
dictionary.com said:
swung dash character
A character similar to tilde but appearing in the same vertical position as a dash, i.e. half way up rather than at the top like tilde. ASCII does not include a swung dash so tilde is used instead.
It is commonly used for "approximates" or "is approximately equal to".

That (among other places) is where you were wrong. As for waiting for the 16psi 420whp blah blah blah... did I say there was such a thing?

S12: Why did you say "wrong wrong wrong" and then reiterate exactly what I said--an increase in CR and decrease in boost? If you're talking about the years here is what I got from 3ZC (not sure if you have to be logged in or not so I just c/p'd this from the Z31 FAQ):
3zc AZBum(z31 moderator) said:
Engine: bore = 87mm; stroke = 83mm; 6 cylinder, "V" configuration
84-87 Z31 NA: VG30E, CR 9.0:1, 160hp @ 5200, 173ft-lbs @ 4300
88-89 Z31 NA: VG30E, CR 9.0:1, 165hp @ 5200, 173ft-lbs @ 4300
84-87 Z31 Turbo: VG30ET, CR 7.8:1, T3, 6.7psi, 200hp @ 5200, 227ft-lbs @ 3600
88-89 Z31 Turbo: VG30ET, CR 8.3:1, T25, 4.5psi, 205hp @ 5200, 227ft-lbs @ 3600

Also, you jumped in this convo with something about, "How could a t25 make more than a t3?" It looks now like you understand how, right?

All in all, I'm not butthurt by any of this. Every forum has assclowns like Tony who act like know-it-all's thanks to wikipedia (which is full of other wannabe know-it-alls which is why it is an unreliable source for many things). People love to act tough on a forum, calling others names and that kind of shit, it's a consequence of our digital world I guess. My point is that in person this entire conversation with all of its players would have probably gone differently with no one acting like an asshole... I might read as condescending but I don't come across that way in person, the same probably goes for many of you so I dont hold it against anyone.
In fact, I know of one Z running 16psi with only a few supporting mods pushing ~420whp.


You talk a lot of shit dude. As for english grammar, even if your dictionary.com's explanation was correct, your usage is still wrong. You have a T25, not about a T25, almost a T25, approximately a T25 or a T3/T4 hybrid almost kinda but not really approximate ballpark estimated t25. :p And maybe you should read closer:

dictionary.com said:
swung dash

a mark of punctuation (∼) used in place of a word or part of a word previously spelled out.
Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.

swung dash
n. A character (∼) used to stand for all or part of a word that has previously been spelled out.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2006 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Cite This Source
swung dash

a punctuation mark used in text to indicate the omission of a word

WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.
Cite This Source

swung dash character
A character similar to tilde but appearing in the same vertical position as a dash, i.e. half way up rather than at the top like tilde. ASCII does not include a swung dash so tilde is used instead.
It is commonly used for "approximates" or "is approximately equal to".
The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing, © 1993-2007 Denis Howe
Cite This Source

So you take a Denis Howe's On-Line Dictionary of Computing's (a PROGRAMMERS dictionary) definition and assume it has anything to do with english grammar while ignoring the definitions from much more credible sources just to win a pissing contest you started? You rule dude.

And you started the name calling by calling me a douchebag. So...i still don't see where you have a leg to stand on here. I answered all your questions and then some. If you'd like to continue calling me names, PM me and we can meet up. I'll be in Jupiter this weekend.
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z32 300zx turbos are tb-02/22 (basically a t25). a/r depends on whether they are from and auto or 5-speed.

Tonymac said:
You have a T25, not about a T25, almost a T25, approximately a T25 or a T3/T4 hybrid almost kinda but not really approximate ballpark estimated t25.

Sorry for calling you a douchebag, I was looking for a way to describe how you were responding and took the easy way out.

All that AND more internets tough guy talk? Hah, I'm done with this thread (like you were only I mean it). If you want to post more about my usage of a swung dash on an internet forum as a clear indication that Im retarded be my guest. Shit, you can even respond with "I win!" and I'll let you take it.

It is a t25 but its not garrett spec. Its still a t25 but i was being overly-technical so you knew exactly what it was. Like i keep saying, i was only ever trying to help before you started being a smart ass and turn this into a competition. I'm bored at work all day buddy so if you want to play that game, i'm down! I only win if you keep saying stupid shit though so actually, I lose. :(
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