T-Mobile Dash?


Authorized Drifter
im tryin to decide between this and the sidekick does anyone have any opinions or personal expirience on witch is better i dunno witch to get and i just found out about the dash...plus i didnt know there were so many different blckberry phones...but i want a phone under 200 bucks that supports internet witch shoud i get??? :confused:
i like the dash more than the sidekick....the sidekick looks more of a chids phone than a real phone...the dash looks way more professional and you get more baller points. you can switch up the plans later on to get better connectivity depending on what you like the most.
being that I carry a Dash........... sell sprint and cingular......... should give you a clue. it is a great phone as well as any other HTC products(Moto Q, black jack, 6700, MDA, ect).

If I were to do it over again however i would have dumped T-mobile a hell of alot sooner. My sidekick 2 got fried 6 times(all of which were electrical and programing issue when it would just cook itself well siting in my pocket) never seen such a piece.

Black berrys are eh... less I was carrying nextel there are better products on the market. they are over hyped and over priced. I would much rather have another PDA than that.

whatever you choose Treo's are junk. I wont sell them to customers less the are adament about having one or are a real estate adgent.......

get a Windows mobile phone........

havent gotten to check out the new "wing" from Tmobile but basicly is a MDA with a 2.0MP camera.

check out phonescoop.com for some sweet info as well as new stuff to come.
I'd get neither. If possible, get the T-Mobile Wing that zoom zoom6 mentioned. But if I had no other choice between the two, get the Dash.
Sidekick 3 ftw. But that's my personal opinion, I'm a HUGE texter and this phone's excellent for me. I've used the Dash, and I love that it has Windows on it, but ehhhh. It's not something I'd go for.
thanks for all the info guys im gonna check out the wing casue they didnt mention this phone at the store im gonna look it up now
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