Swine Flu

bwahaha nice one!

On the real, swine flu is not new. Research it! :bigthumbu

discoverd in the 2003 i believe, before it was just a pig to human type of thing similar to the bird flue and the mad cow diease .. the virus developed this year a thread that allows it to be trasmited from human to human witch is what made it so crazy because now you dont have to even look at a pig to get as sick as one. depinga.:ugh:
i just think its funny, now at my job. we have already had a few false claims of swine flu lol...people freak out too easily.
discoverd in the 2003 i believe, before it was just a pig to human type of thing similar to the bird flue and the mad cow diease .. the virus developed this year a thread that allows it to be trasmited from human to human witch is what made it so crazy because now you dont have to even look at a pig to get as sick as one. depinga.:ugh:

no dates back farther

wiki said:
1976 U.S. outbreak

On February 5, 1976, an army recruit at Fort Dix said he felt tired and weak. He died the next day and four of his fellow soldiers were later hospitalized. Two weeks after his death, health officials announced that swine flu was the cause of death and that this strain of flu appeared to be closely related to the strain involved in the 1918 flu pandemic.

before it mutated it was some other flu.
here it is in plain english for all the retards on this site AND in this thread!!! Read the newspaper or even yahoo news or something daily. Just goes to show that we can be wiped out of this planet faster then we can recover from the "recession"!


WHO to stop using term 'swine flu' to protect pigs


WHO = The World Health Organization

The WHO confirmed tally from the United States now stands at 109, with one death. In texas!!

WHO also reported the number of confirmed swine flu cases rose to 257 worldwide Thursday, with cases in Mexico rising to 97 from 26, with seven deaths.

Other confirmed cases include 19 in Canada, 13 in Spain, eight in Britain, three each in Germany and New Zealand, two in Israel and one each in Austria, Switzerland and the Netherlands.

WHO raised the pandemic flu alert to phase 5 on Wednesday, one step away from the highest level indicating a global outbreak.

WHO has started distributing its stockpile of 2 million treatments of the antiviral drug Tamiflu to regional offices, which will decide where to send them next = YOUR FATE for some infected badly.

And here is a bit of History about your H1N1 Influenza A -

Started in 1918 and could be traced back to outbreaks from 1847 and 1889.

during 1918 and 1919 it is thought to have infected a third of the world population and caused perhaps as many as 50 million deaths, according to the U.S. Center for Disease Control, which must have been figuratively holding its breath when it admitted deaths could have been nearly double that because many who died during that period were not actually diagnosed, nor were samples taken for lab testing and identification.

Read more: "History of Swine Flu Outbreaks: Epidemics in 1918, 1976 and 2007" - http://diseases-viruses.suite101.com/article.cfm/history_of_swine_flu_outbreaks#ixzz0ECiotzM5&
so i heard there are 2 cases in ft lauderdale.
and like 19 in florida....
and i work in the hard rock . WHERES MY GOD DAMN MASK!!!!:ugh:
this is how im going to work....

^ yeah but we wear them every exercise we do about once a month for hours on end and all it does is reminds you how much wearing one sucks
^ yeah but we wear them every exercise we do about once a month for hours on end and all it does is reminds you how much wearing one sucks

Get a little vanilla air freshener in there and maybe itll be more enjoyable. Oh, and a little computer fan too! Keep your head cool.
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