Super late notice: OSW March 16th

Its posted on drift coalition and usually someone will post it here shortly after its posted there. I just came on here and saw that it wasnt. Countyline is MAD far for us Central/north Florida people. There will be more notice before the next event.
ive driven both and I think countyline is more fun IMHO but alot more money for us northern guys to attend, plus the track eats tires for breakfast lunch and dinner
county line is the S---........:bigthumbu but seriously i hope every thing goes good for who ever is doing the events at OSW blessings.......
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They're so far apart, that I think down south people will drive county line and us central/northern people will drive OSW. Id deff like to come to county line one day though. Looks fun.
count me in, Ive never driven at osw before, it looks fun in all the pictures ive seen. I heard they paved the infield too+++ You can just show up right, no pre-register?
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