Sunday slide part II

awesomeee. what is it? we need to get together this weekend, you, dan, brett, who ever, and slide lakewooodddd..

sooo, i def need to replace my ps pump before then..

a pos miata. It's gonna be sweet for hollerin at dudes.
very good vid guys. keep up the good work. i like 9:30 - 9:43. looked badass and the credits were done nicely too. and when your in car and you see the cream colored car going crazy in the smoke. had a rough feel, looked awesome!

the only thing i would like to see for part 3 would be cones and seeing you guys tandem a bit closer. its not crazy high speeds so you can correct stuff if someone makes a mistake.

good shit tho. we need to get some newer footage down here as well.
i meant to say i posted this becuase my friends wanted to see what everyone says.. but thanks alot for all of the positive things.. its not like we are out giving each other shit we just have fun and get more pratice in i know ive for sure got more seat time and way better just doing little things like this.. and i know this is at the same spot as the first one but like i said before to this spot is like pretty legit as far as getting in trouble. and i doubt id ever give any info on this spot out to anyone else haha just saying unless your super cool or something like that.. but the next vid we have allredy talked about doing some more intense shit for some reason when ever we get crazy like 5 deep stuff going on we dont film it at all or like the better stuff it just happens.. this is not the coolist vid ever but it was just a lazy random sunday and it just goes to show you more of where we come from. but im stoked you guys like it my friend/roomate kenrick does all the filming and like 99.9% of the editing and the rest of us just put our thoughts in before it hits the web. and also we are trying to get a event type of sundayslide thing going on sunday slide is not just us.. we want our friend rock to film and edit everything but we would like to get other people in it. its not like its a doc, or some huge video like drift alliance but more or less something like a lil sesh vid like watching skate vids or something ya know idk. lol

a pos miata. It's gonna be sweet for hollerin at dudes.
haha yah you deff gota come out brett came out once but that time we went there was like 9 more cars then we normally have it was wayy to much it got sloppy really fast esp at that spot we had like 13 cars. lol
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I think I've hit a good amount of shit. and punched myself hard enough lol

and ill do it again, idk nothing against any of you. for some reason. anywho


Chillll bro. The cool spots are like 7am Sunday, hit and run, if you crash your car you're fucked, you need spotters, walkie talkies, etc. There will be video eventually. What these dudes are doing is fine.
Chillll bro. The cool spots are like 7am Sunday, hit and run, if you crash your car you're fucked, you need spotters, walkie talkies, etc. There will be video eventually. What these dudes are doing is fine.


you better be at my house on the 7th for the party.
we should just slide univrsity and 301 intersection at like 4 am sickest... hahah no really it is but major bad idea.

we do have some really awesome spots there is a uphill and down hill banked turn i know thats pretty close but very hairy then there is a bunch of spots from wayyyyyy back when i started in srq and stuf but most of the spots have been raped soo hard its hard to know what to expect if you go there if you avoid brining stupid people with you everythign allways seems to go good but you never know whos gona tell who or whos gona just see a pack of 240s and do the turn around and hall ass catch up thing just to talk to you about your car
^thanks for the compliments everyone. its an ok spot, just awesome on tires and somewhat secluded. stay tuned for this sunday's slide! haha
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