Sunday fun with FMDT and SMDG

hey greg i dont think your fully white...i think u have japanese geanes...tight work man.ur about one of the few here that i see that represents 240's either in drag or drift..what next time attack or auto x????keep up the good work greg..theres only few of you.. :bigthumbu
hey greg i dont think your fully white...i think u have japanese geanes...tight work man.ur about one of the few here that i see that represents 240's either in drag or drift..what next time attack or auto x????keep up the good work greg..theres only few of you.. :bigthumbu
thanks..i definitely drag and drift man :) eitehr running 12 second pases on a 1/4 mile or drifitng around osw i do it all,just not auto-x cause i thnk thats gay and all ill try to do is drift :laugh:
damn man no 1 got vid of me puting down the 1st manji at the J.G. spot? ya'll know what i b talking about the line me and ayes were ripping and greg was almost gettin it down just carrying too much speed meng. damn
Awesome Vids.. i always want to take my 86 out in the rain.. but i can never find a spot to roll the dice at.... KEEP EM COMIN!
slide-ways-for-five-days said:
damn man no 1 got vid of me puting down the 1st manji at the J.G. spot? ya'll know what i b talking about the line me and ayes were ripping and greg was almost gettin it down just carrying too much speed meng. damn
more poepl hav videos these r jus what i got :bigthumbu
damn son nice vids but im in it for like 2 sec. got any more of me an esty?
I need to figure out how to transfer from miniDV Cam to Computer cause I got about 30 mins of Video.
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