Sugar in gastank.

Roly D Sauce

Bent Rims and Tickets v.1
Staff member
please leave all jokes and stupid shit outside of this thread.
i need to know how long would sugar take to fuck up the car..and what kinda damage can sugar really do?
myth busters proved nothing to happen to a car. and they ran a shit load of sugar through the bitch too. its nothing though to drop yer gas tank and flush sugar out.
i don't know how everyone is saying it won't do anything. But it depends on the quantity.

sugar in the gas tank will give you problems. From the fuel pump, lines, rail and injectors. And if the car sits, the valves will be effected, as well.

I have first hand experience with a car that had sugar poured into the gas tank...
most gas tanks have a drain on the bottom depending on the car. drain the fuel and remove the fuel pump and clean it out and you can get some parts cleaner and clean around the gas tike while your at it just remember to drain it too.. if your really worried about it also change your fuel filter and send your injectors to get cleaned out and that should be it
sugar cannot dissolve in gasoline...therefor it can not turn into a gel or caramel. Sugar can fuck up your car if it makes its way through the filter, injectors, and shit
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