Suaknee....I'm impressed.

THIS IS MEGHZ, cause I cant figure out how to get paul logged off sorry.. W.E

ok.. the "ass patch" is like the best part in my opinon.. It resembles a seat belt patch, which means he took time to take his shirts and relate it to cars, racers, drifters.. etc.. it even looks sewed on like a real patch, and great quilaty and the whole 'to get a new one after a year' is suppose to be funny dont take things to seriously, its suppose to be realistic, just like your suppose to change out your seatbelts.. everyone who has one seems to love it! I love it, I think they came out amazing, specially for him doing all the work himself, and shows his dedication to the people he owed!.. I cant wait to get a girl one! :bigthumbu

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I disagree completely. Its a fucking shirt, 1 year for a shirt and now your happy? Doesn't make sense. I remember the past and I use it to determine what I will do in the future. And that will be to never buy from him again.

-Sand in your Panties? It's a fuckin shirt, Exactly. $20. I spend that on cigs in 2 days. Thats pocket change. I'd understand if you spent $200 on the shirt, but fuck, he's tryin to make good again. He could be an ass and never talked to any of you again, but he made good after a year.... for 20 fuckin dollars. At least he's not one of those assholes that takes $500 from you and you never hear from him again.
I'm sorry bro about things I said about you before and I realized that I was wrong.I'm man enough to admit that it was my mistake..I thank you so much for being understanding.The shirts are great and I will support you all the way on any future business decission u make..I will be the first one to actually invest on your work.They are authentic and original.take care and goodluck on your business bro.....

ur Kuya
I disagree completely. Its a fucking shirt, 1 year for a shirt and now your happy? Doesn't make sense. I remember the past and I use it to determine what I will do in the future. And that will be to never buy from him again.

I agree with you on some things you've said Finn, but every situation has different details that need to be weighed. I've weighed out what happened, what was done about it, How he handled himself through out the ordeal and at the end of the day...I was the asshole. I should have retained my original position of supporting Suan instead I bought into the bandwagon bashing and I made a mistake I will not soon make again.

Either way, I respect your veiws Finn...and in some instances I would agree with you 100%....this just not one of them bro. Please do not take this as me taking sides or being one or the other...just one instance where we do not agree....and now we can move on. I still love you (no homo)
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