stupid rb20 swap problem


so my rb20 is all but bolted in, but it seems that my driveshaft is about half an inch too long and i have no idea why. it is hitting the collar on the back of the trans. its the stock 5 speed driveshaft from an s13, but i do have a z32 diff which may be my issue, but it fit perfectly with the ka trans. i didnt put the diff in it so maybe theres some crazy voodoo going on back there, but is there something stupid and obvious that I'm missing? im using the mckinney mount kit too, if that helps.
dunno how much help this is buttt...

i have a rb20 aswell, im running the stock s13 diff and DS and its a little short, so maybe its the diff housing, the z32 diff housing could be a little longer, i would measure an compare, and also the MCy mount kit is made and designed to work with the stock diff housing.

If it doesnt work, and u want to keep the z32 diff housing, then the obvious option is One piece DS.:bigthumbu
When using aftermarket motormount kits you gotta run there driveshafts each motormount kit seats the motor differently try contacting a driveshaft shop and getting one made
i would try getting a abs driveshaft and using that since they are about 3/4" or so shorter then the non abs.
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