Street racing is bad mmmmm'kay

S13 Slide said:
I agree with Altezza girl(*btw your sig is nice), I wanted a 93^ trans am soo bad when I turned 16 but my dad wouldnt let me....he said I have to get a 4 banger, which brings me to my first S13, and the funny thing is im still driving a 4 banger....

Haha thats so funny, I used to want an '02 Trans Am. Until one day my dad hired a guy who owned a RHD RZ Supra, an R32 GTST, an R33 GTST, an S13, a RHD Miata (he sold it to a guy on this forum who used to show up to meets), and i forgot what else. But when I came to my dad's shop and saw the RHD RZ, I fell in love. And of course I fell in love with the R33. My 2 fav cars (followed by an FD of course).
Then I kept bugging my dad for the Supra or the Skyline and Im glad he didnt get me those either..... I never thought that Id end up getting a 4 door Supra. :p
Oh, and thank you for the compliment on my new sig! :D

etxxz: Im glad that your brother made it out ok. But I forgot to mention above that as long as the hospital sees that your "trying" to pay it off, they wont obligate you. It also depends of your financial situation, I believe.
****. Some people have to pay the price to realize that they aren't race car drivers. I will admit I do drive fast a lot, but sometimes I try and control myself.
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jdm ae86t said:
****. Some people have to pay the price to realize that they aren't race car drivers. I will admit I do drive fast a lot, but sometimes I try and control myself.

True, but ultimately no one deserves such a high degree of punishment.
It's easy to say that a street racer deserves what he gets but when you see a bloody 16 year old boy crying in pain, human compassion tends to kick in and those thoughts quickly subside. The truth is, until I was in my early 20's I'd street race anyone, anytime. I never thought about the consequences b/c at those ages, most people don't. If he lives, he'll realize how stupid he was and regret it. Unfortunately for him, the damage is done. Even if he can walk and talk normally, he'll be in tremendous financial debt for a long while. I only wish there were safer, frequent, and affordable closed course sanctioned motor sports events for us to attend. I believe that if there were, people would not only be less inclined to street race but be better drivers as well. Win-win instead of lose-lose if you ask me. Lawsuits pwn America though which = high insurance rates which also = no chance of my ideas to be realized.

Thanks for the kind words everybody but I really don't feel like I did anything good. It was the only right thing to do. Leaving him to suffer would have been inhumane.
dori dori said:
Thanks for the kind words everybody but I really don't feel like I did anything good. It was the only right thing to do. Leaving him to suffer would have been inhumane.

That's the typical quote of a good hearted person. You did a really good thing. It's a good knowing there are more people like you are around.
yea this reminds me of the one kid that tried racing me through morning traffic down pines that one morning. He was following me through the traffic and I was late for work so i wasnt even paying any mind to him. I came around a truck and i dont know what he did, the gap must have gotten small and he tried to go around it but i looked in my mirror to change lanes and I saw that delivery truck hop in the air and his car slide around, hit the curb and flip over....that my friends is why I stopped street racing along time ago. I never found out what happened and I was down the street when it happened so I didnt stop. But yea props to you dori dori because most people would have probably said fk him and kept going on there way!

dori dori said:
It's easy to say that a street racer deserves what he gets but when you see a bloody 16 year old boy crying in pain, human compassion tends to kick in and those thoughts quickly subside. The truth is, until I was in my early 20's I'd street race anyone, anytime. I never thought about the consequences b/c at those ages, most people don't. If he lives, he'll realize how stupid he was and regret it. Unfortunately for him, the damage is done. Even if he can walk and talk normally, he'll be in tremendous financial debt for a long while. I only wish there were safer, frequent, and affordable closed course sanctioned motor sports events for us to attend. I believe that if there were, people would not only be less inclined to street race but be better drivers as well. Win-win instead of lose-lose if you ask me. Lawsuits pwn America though which = high insurance rates which also = no chance of my ideas to be realized.

Thanks for the kind words everybody but I really don't feel like I did anything good. It was the only right thing to do. Leaving him to suffer would have been inhumane.

I highly agree with you on that...there are really no places for people to go and do these things they want too and alot of the time its either really far or really expensive. I understand if you love the sport youll do them, but alot of people just want to blow of some steam (or boost, spray, w.e.) and have something to brag about to there friends with. Im sure if alot of places opened up then the rate of accidents would decline. of course it will never go away but it would really help.

It really doesnt help that a majority of the tracks dont host events or they are being shut down. I really think that someone (a company or organization) should step up, see the problem and help with it. Because I highly doubt the way things are going in this country that the government will. :(
You know what, its been my dream since I was 14 to open up a track. I think a USA Drift Land would be awesome. I would go all the damn time. I always thought about going to the governer of the state or the mayor of the Miami and asking for a loan/sponsorship over building it because its for the good of the people. I tried to do that back when I was 16, but of course, no one took me seriously because I was just a little girl. My gender obviously made it worse. Idk, hopefully someday my dream will come true and Ill make a track down here.
altezzagirl said:
You know what, its been my dream since I was 14 to open up a track. I think a USA Drift Land would be awesome. I would go all the damn time. I always thought about going to the governer of the state or the mayor of the Miami and asking for a loan/sponsorship over building it because its for the good of the people. I tried to do that back when I was 16, but of course, no one took me seriously because I was just a little girl. My gender obviously made it worse. Idk, hopefully someday my dream will come true and Ill make a track down here.
im living that dream too :D I so wish sum1 would build a 1/4 mile down here and a drift track right next 2 it :) I bet all the races on 27 would change if we hada drag track right down here. Theres always those drag racing events poeple hold n cali n stuff so they can keep kids off the streets from racing,but it suks no1 evr does anything lik that for florida :(
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^ Yeah, I went to Cali. this year & went 2 Hot Import Daze. They were drag racing, drifting, concert and a car show. Best one I gone 2 yet cause all the things to do. They also had a test drive of the new Saturn supercharged and street bikes doing freestyle.
altezzagirl said:
You know what, its been my dream since I was 14 to open up a track. I think a USA Drift Land would be awesome. I would go all the damn time. I always thought about going to the governer of the state or the mayor of the Miami and asking for a loan/sponsorship over building it because its for the good of the people. I tried to do that back when I was 16, but of course, no one took me seriously because I was just a little girl. My gender obviously made it worse. Idk, hopefully someday my dream will come true and Ill make a track down here.

Driftland USA? ;)
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