Stolen 2 Tone 240sx 1jz Swaped

Yeah Im gonna look into getting that gps thing if your car gets stolen I forget what it is called. It just sucks when shit like this happens. I would seriously CRY if someone stole my shit like that. Also thats why it is good to never show off your car to people you just met. I know that isnt always the case but you never really know.
z4k said:

It seems like the work was all done within the family. So I highly dount that.
idk bro last time i was there they told me about a bunch fo different cars they'vr worked on that got stolen :ugh:
SileightyBoi said:
idk bro last time i was there they told me about a bunch fo different cars they'vr worked on that got stolen :ugh:
Really make the list of cars b/c that is the first car from the shop that got stolen and he had big plans (next week he was getting a single turbo, injectors and much more) so I'm sure is not someone we know. I think you got the wrong shops Greg or just let me know if you know something that we don't...

Thanks for your help.
SileightyBoi said:
idk bro last time i was there they told me about a bunch fo different cars they'vr worked on that got stolen :ugh:

Really????? come by the shop and tell me who said anything about cars that we worked on that got stolen b/c as far as I remember you benn to my shop once, and really this is the first time that a custumer's car get stolen.

Please before you open your big mouth , make sure u know what ur talking about.
no one is acuseing your shop we are just saying peaple that have cars worked on there your customers may have scoped this car out niggas so relax and who knows maybe some crack baby from the hood stole your shit and then dumped it and then it got striped all i know is it sucks to have your shit stolen
240's are becoming as wanted as civics where... from the little time i have been on the forum ive seen about 4 ppl post that their car have been stolen...and i dont think taking it to those ghetto shops is pretty safe they can easily take a copy of ur key and just follow u and BAMM its gone!
85gtsrola said:
Really????? come by the shop and tell me who said anything about cars that we worked on that got stolen b/c as far as I remember you benn to my shop once, and really this is the first time that a custumer's car get stolen.

Please before you open your big mouth , make sure u know what ur talking about.
miscommunication cause the pics are from another wonderful place n not u man :cool:
im sory to hear about this and ill definitly have my eye out...ive just got my 240 up and would suck to get it jacked....
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