State of Stance Presents: Formula D – Las Vegas :: Part 1 - Car Show


So as some of you might know I was in Vegas this weekend for Formula D. What an amazing experience! First time in Vegas and Formula D is definitely the best event I've ever covered/attended. I have all the pictures done but Leo (owner of SoS) would like to release in segments. So here's Part 1 - The car show they held in front. It wasn't too big but had a few very nice cars (my favorite being the Blue R33 below). Next segment will be Event Booths/Sponsors/Models/Etc. and then finally the good stuff. I have a special surprise for SFLD though since I love you guys =]

Thanks to Josh S. (HellaCaliJosh) for hooking it up with taxis and introducing me to all the great people I met over there. Thanks to Fink also for giving me the heads up that Josh was in Vegas for FD.


Click here for more pics from the show on State of Stance
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