Some more Vids from Moroso

be glad I didnt record it in HD this time. if someone wants to give me a awesome video editing program that does .mov and in HD that be awesome :). This is just a cheap $150 camera I got for xmas I fuck around with it, dont expect a lot from it
^ i think I have the same camera lol i love this little thing way better than the $400 sony DVD cam I had
yeah i got the same one, well its perfect for what i use it for its definitely not for professional use
wow the first stream of vids of cart track jesus thats a waste of money tooo small sorry to of 1st bottom 2nd = failtastic!

the 2nd stream of vids with the top of 2nd middle of 3rd sweeper looks good though...

lol ive done tooooooo many parking lots in my time to drift on kart track =]
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