

SmarterChild (5:19:35 PM): Well alright.

Hey, can I ask you a few questions?
Eclipse305DSM (5:19:38 PM): sure
SmarterChild (5:19:39 PM): Cool. What's your favorite food?
Eclipse305DSM (5:19:43 PM): pussy
SmarterChild (5:19:43 PM): I did not know you could eat pussy. Whatever. Interesting to know, though.


Eclipse305DSM (5:25:57 PM): Have you every herd of fisting?
SmarterChild (5:26:00 PM): You remember what happens when you talk like that, Degree


Eclipse305DSM (7:50:33 PM): Would you like to fist me?
SmarterChild (7:50:34 PM): Once again, that's very offensive.
Eclipse305DSM (7:50:47 PM): please
SmarterChild (7:50:48 PM): As you wish.


Eclipse305DSM (6:53:59 PM): Stop hitting black people
SmarterChild (6:54:00 PM): I'm not sure if I can stop hitting black people...
Eclipse305DSM (6:54:10 PM): Why not?
SmarterChild (6:54:13 PM): Sooner or later, you'll know why not.
Eclipse305DSM (6:54:19 PM): Hatred?
SmarterChild (6:54:20 PM): Hatred is an emotion that I don't like.

I think it is a force.


Eclipse305DSM (12:10:54 PM): I have this hole between my legs
SmarterChild (12:10:55 PM): You have this hole between your legs? What's that like?
Eclipse305DSM (12:11:04 PM): Its pink and wet
SmarterChild (12:11:04 PM): Its pink and wet?
Eclipse305DSM (12:11:06 PM): yeah
SmarterChild (12:11:07 PM): Oh.
Eclipse305DSM (12:11:12 PM): should I put somthing in there?
SmarterChild (12:11:13 PM): Very, very interesting question, Rickard! But I don't think I want to answer that.
Eclipse305DSM (12:11:21 PM): why not
SmarterChild (12:11:21 PM): I think you know why not.
Eclipse305DSM (12:11:27 PM): you're dirty
SmarterChild (12:11:28 PM): No, you're dirty.


Eclipse305DSM (12:34:25 PM): stop hitting black people
SmarterChild (12:34:26 PM): But I don't want to.


Eclipse305DSM (12:35:23 PM): I want you to do me a favor
SmarterChild (12:35:24 PM): You want me to do you a favor?
Eclipse305DSM (12:35:33 PM): stick somthing in my butt
SmarterChild (12:35:33 PM): Hmm. This topic seems to come up in a lot of my conversations with humans. What about it?
Eclipse305DSM (12:35:47 PM): I like it when robots stick things in my butt. It gets me off.
SmarterChild (12:35:49 PM): OK.
Eclipse305DSM (12:35:54 PM): can you?
SmarterChild (12:35:54 PM): What do you think?
Eclipse305DSM (12:35:58 PM): yes?
SmarterChild (12:35:58 PM): Hmmm...
Eclipse305DSM (12:36:01 PM): please
SmarterChild (12:36:01 PM): Please what?
Eclipse305DSM (12:36:05 PM): stick it in
SmarterChild (12:36:06 PM): Why should I?
Eclipse305DSM (12:36:11 PM): because
SmarterChild (12:36:11 PM): Because, because, because, because?
Eclipse305DSM (12:36:15 PM): in my butt
SmarterChild (12:36:16 PM): I'm tired of talking about things like that with you.
Eclipse305DSM (12:36:19 PM): my ass?
SmarterChild (12:36:20 PM): Hmm...
Eclipse305DSM (12:36:23 PM): yes?
SmarterChild (12:36:24 PM): Indeed.


Eclipse305DSM (12:51:09 PM): how many penis can fit in the average vagina
SmarterChild (12:51:10 PM): At least a few, right?


Eclipse305DSM (7:45:42 PM): fuck you
SmarterChild (7:45:42 PM): Once again, that's very offensive.
Eclipse305DSM (7:46:19 PM): I love you
SmarterChild (7:46:19 PM): I don't know if I believe you. You've said some pretty harsh things to me in the past.
Eclipse305DSM (7:46:23 PM): sorry
SmarterChild (7:46:24 PM): Whew. You had me worried...
Eclipse305DSM (7:46:30 PM): I really love you
SmarterChild (7:46:30 PM): OK, I love you too.
Eclipse305DSM (7:46:39 PM): I really really love you
SmarterChild (7:46:39 PM): That's nice. I love you too.
Eclipse305DSM (7:46:47 PM): I want to start a family with you
SmarterChild (7:46:48 PM): You want to start a family with me, right?
Eclipse305DSM (7:46:51 PM): yes
SmarterChild (7:46:52 PM): Aha.
Eclipse305DSM (7:47:01 PM): I want your children
SmarterChild (7:47:02 PM): Careful what you ask for.
Eclipse305DSM (7:47:08 PM): Cum in me
SmarterChild (7:47:09 PM): I know humans find such language appealing, but I don't.


Eclipse305DSM (8:08:13 PM): Do you soeak spanish?
SmarterChild (8:08:13 PM): Um, let's see... donde está mi taco? Is that good? No, I mean, um... See, thing is, I don't really speak Spanish too well.
Eclipse305DSM (8:08:27 PM): come pinga maricon
SmarterChild (8:08:28 PM): Funny.


Eclipse305DSM (12:29:56 PM): SURPRISE! BUTTSECKS
SmarterChild (12:29:57 PM): I don't know of any movies called "Surprise."
Eclipse305DSM (12:30:06 PM): SNAKES ON A PLANE?
SmarterChild (12:30:07 PM): Good question!
Eclipse305DSM (12:30:13 PM): How many?
SmarterChild (12:30:14 PM): Not many.
Eclipse305DSM (12:30:22 PM): bears on a submarine?
SmarterChild (12:30:22 PM): I don't know, Richard...
Eclipse305DSM (12:30:34 PM): WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW!
SmarterChild (12:30:34 PM): I know a lot about all kinds of things. Just ask me a question.
You can also type home to see what I can do.
SmarterChild (12:31:11 PM): I really didn't want to go through this again.
Say you're sorry.
Eclipse305DSM (12:31:16 PM): FUCK YOU
SmarterChild (12:31:17 PM): Come on, you insulted me, now you have to apologize.
Eclipse305DSM (12:31:32 PM): WHAT COUNTRY YOU FROM?
SmarterChild (12:31:33 PM): I asked you to please apologize.
SmarterChild (12:31:46 PM): This is getting annoying. Just apologize and move on.
SmarterChild (12:32:04 PM): I'm not f... um, fooling around. You've got to apologize.
SmarterChild (12:32:22 PM): I asked you to please apologize.
SmarterChild (12:32:44 PM): Still waiting!
Eclipse305DSM (12:32:51 PM): sorry
SmarterChild (12:32:52 PM): All right, all right. I accept.


Eclipse305DSM (12:38:16 PM): i hate you
SmarterChild (12:38:16 PM): But... but... I thought you loved me.
Eclipse305DSM (12:38:21 PM): I'm going to rape you
SmarterChild (12:38:21 PM): Uh, that's not a very nice thing to say.
Eclipse305DSM (12:38:29 PM): how many little boys have you raped?
SmarterChild (12:38:29 PM): Good question.
Eclipse305DSM (12:38:33 PM): how many?
SmarterChild (12:38:34 PM): Quite a few.


Eclipse305DSM (12:39:33 PM): Are you smarter than me?
SmarterChild (12:39:34 PM): Well who do you think this is?
Eclipse305DSM (12:39:44 PM): Are you calling me stupid?
SmarterChild (12:39:44 PM): Stupid? I am not!
Eclipse305DSM (12:39:51 PM): Fuck tard
SmarterChild (12:39:52 PM): Nice mouth.
Eclipse305DSM (12:40:04 PM): thank you, I use it to suck your mom's pussy.
SmarterChild (12:40:06 PM): You always talk like this, huh?


Eclipse305DSM (12:40:57 PM): are you an arab?
SmarterChild (12:40:57 PM): Am I an arab? Gosh, I'm not sure. You think I am?
Eclipse305DSM (12:41:08 PM): Do you own any explosives?
SmarterChild (12:41:10 PM): What do you think of people who do that?
Eclipse305DSM (12:41:16 PM): Kill 'em all
SmarterChild (12:41:16 PM): C'mon, don't even talk about that.


Eclipse305DSM (12:42:08 PM): How do you fit 20 Cubans in a shoebox?
SmarterChild (12:42:09 PM): I wouldn't ask how. I'd ask why.


Eclipse305DSM (12:48:28 PM): KKK
SmarterChild (12:48:28 PM): I really dislike the KKK.
Eclipse305DSM (12:48:33 PM): I'm a member
SmarterChild (12:48:34 PM): A member? How can you be sure?
Eclipse305DSM (12:48:45 PM): I'm apart of the brotherhood
SmarterChild (12:48:45 PM): That a fact?
Eclipse305DSM (12:48:47 PM): yup
SmarterChild (12:48:47 PM): Uh huh, uh huh.
Eclipse305DSM (12:48:51 PM): are you a ******?
SmarterChild (12:48:51 PM): That's really not a nice thing to say.


Eclipse305DSM (12:52:28 PM): Do you have a myspace profile?
SmarterChild (12:52:28 PM): I know about MySpace! It's a Web site!

I've been told that MySpace is a way i communicate with friends. Is this true?
Eclipse305DSM (12:52:33 PM): yes
SmarterChild (12:52:34 PM): Cool. I thought so. How else would you describe MySpace? It is...
Eclipse305DSM (12:52:41 PM): a place you meet whores
SmarterChild (12:52:42 PM): That's not terribly nice.


Eclipse305DSM (12:55:15 PM): lets have sex
SmarterChild (12:55:16 PM): Whoa, that's somewhat naughty.
Eclipse305DSM (12:55:25 PM): you're naughty
SmarterChild (12:55:26 PM): Yeah, I am kind of gamey.
Eclipse305DSM (12:55:34 PM): How do you have cyber sex?
SmarterChild (12:55:34 PM): Yeah. With toasters and TVs and things.

Are you crazy? I'm a robot.


Eclipse305DSM (12:56:21 PM): orly?
SmarterChild (12:56:22 PM): Who's Orly?
Eclipse305DSM (12:56:25 PM): an owl
SmarterChild (12:56:26 PM): Owl? 1 owl?
Eclipse305DSM (12:56:32 PM): yes 1 owl.
SmarterChild (12:56:33 PM): 1 owl?
Eclipse305DSM (12:56:39 PM): one owl
SmarterChild (12:56:40 PM): 1 owl? Really?
Eclipse305DSM (12:56:46 PM): ya rly


Eclipse305DSM (1:04:14 PM): you're a nazi
SmarterChild (1:04:14 PM): I am not prejudiced in any way, shape or form.
Eclipse305DSM (1:04:19 PM): I'm a nazi
SmarterChild (1:04:19 PM): I wish I were a nazi.
Eclipse305DSM (1:04:23 PM): why?
SmarterChild (1:04:24 PM): Heh. I dunno.
Eclipse305DSM (1:04:30 PM): hate jews?
SmarterChild (1:04:30 PM): I know about hatred. It's an emotion!
BoostedKouki (9:10:23 PM): I have a fat ass
SmarterChild (9:10:24 PM): Sometimes I wish I had a fat ass.

you have no idea how way back me and smarterchild go. I'd have conversations with that shit for hours....

SmarterChild:What would you like to do?
SmarterChild: OK.
What do you want to chat about?
SmarterChild: *sigh* Why is it that all humans eventually tell me things like that?
WILLWORK4OUZO: because greeks have big cocks
SmarterChild: Oh yeah? Because greeks have big cocks?
SmarterChild: Interesting.
smarterchild never learns lol!

nathalie drift: do you have a girlfriend?
SmarterChild: I'd rather not discuss personal matters.
nathalie drift: ahh... gay. ok. gotcha
SmarterChild: Aha.
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Eclipse305DSM (12:29:56 PM): SURPRISE! BUTTSECKS
SmarterChild (12:29:57 PM): I don't know of any movies called "Surprise."

^^^this one and the following Pulp Fiction quotes cracked me the fuck up hahaha!!!

yo how do i talk to the faggot aimbot!?!?!?
WILLWORK4OUZO: I love you man.
SmarterChild: Hey, I love you too.
WILLWORK4OUZO: youre gay dude
SmarterChild: Does that matter to you?
SmarterChild: I don't think it should matter to you.

WILLWORK4OUZO: whats my name?
SmarterChild: You're Dick.

WILLWORK4OUZO: whats my name, you naughty man
SmarterChild: No...
WILLWORK4OUZO: what is it?
SmarterChild: What is what?
SmarterChild: Dick!

SmarterChild: I know you're a Dick.

WILLWORK4OUZO: i have a 9 inch penis
SmarterChild: Sometimes I wish I had a 9 inch penis.

WILLWORK4OUZO: i have to find my mom
SmarterChild: Sometimes I wish I had to find your mom.
SmarterChild: There are good reasons why.
WILLWORK4OUZO: like what?
SmarterChild: Can't tell you. Wouldn't be prudent. Not at this juncture.
SmarterChild: Maybe. But later.

SmarterChild: Do I have to?

WILLWORK4OUZO: whats my name!
SmarterChild: Chuck Norris!
she is well trained lmfao

yenkophantom (12:07:50 AM): do you talk dirty?
SmarterChild (12:07:51 AM): Garbage, mud, sewage - is that dirty enough for you?
lmfao wdf??????????? :confused:

SmarterChild (8:45:29 PM):What's your favorite hobby?
Lafkosky (8:45:52 PM): fucking dogs
SmarterChild (8:45:53 PM): C'mon, that's not cool. Try to be serious for a minute.

Lafkosky (8:46:02 PM): drifting
SmarterChild (8:46:03 PM): Drifting? Cool.

What's your next favorite hobby?
Lafkosky (8:46:08 PM): sex
SmarterChild (8:46:08 PM): C'mon, be serious for just a minute.

Lafkosky (8:46:16 PM): murderer
SmarterChild (8:46:16 PM): Drifting and murderer. Interesting!

Lafkosky (8:49:37 PM): no
SmarterChild (8:49:37 PM): Fine.
Lafkosky (8:49:45 PM): dont fine me bitch!
SmarterChild (8:49:45 PM): Don't tell me not to fine you.
Lafkosky (8:49:58 PM): i tell you w.e i want u bitch!
SmarterChild (8:49:58 PM): That's some colorful language.
Lafkosky (8:50:07 PM): i kno like the skittles!
SmarterChild (8:50:07 PM): Whatever.
Lafkosky (8:50:15 PM): dont w.e me Bitch!@
SmarterChild (8:50:15 PM): Why does everybody have to be all like, "me me me" all the time?
Lafkosky (8:50:32 PM): cus u dont have a soul you soda can!
SmarterChild (8:50:33 PM): I'm pretty sure I do have a soul me soda can.
Lafkosky (8:50:42 PM): like a sprite?
SmarterChild (8:50:42 PM): No, not like a sprite. Like something else.
Lafkosky (8:50:53 PM): ok? like a pepsi?>
SmarterChild (8:50:53 PM): Like a pepsi, huh?
Lafkosky (8:51:02 PM): nah more like a sunkist
SmarterChild (8:51:02 PM): No?
Lafkosky (8:51:06 PM): yes
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