Small battery..?


just wondering if anyone is running a small battery and having good luck with them. and if so what brand.

i used to have a small no name japanese battery i got during my motor swap that worked great for a few years til one of my friends set it on a concrete floor for three days.

worse come to worse ill have to relocate it to the back, but im lazy.

never fails me.
Westco Mini Drycell, never has let me down and im usually blasting music with the engine off while working on my car.
I have a lawnmower battery in my coupe. fits perfect with the intercooler piping. Its called "the cutting edge" and has green grass on the side of it.

Ps. where the fuck have you been.
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cool, thanks for all the responses. i just didnt want to go buy a new batt. w/o knowing it would last a while. me and most people i know been having bad experiences with undersized batteries lately.

Ps. where the fuck have you been.

in hiding, with the wrong small batteries apparently...:ugh:

just sell me the car. you wont have to worry about batteries anymore

maybe we find you a different car so we can both have fun...
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i thought it was just a myth that if you place batteries on the floor they die. its it really true?
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