SFL Drifting Documentary!!

Okay since everyone else has a thread about it.

I'm making one too within the next two months, it wont be gay 1hr long, it wont have stupid interviews, or cruises, or meets, or other useless crap no one cares about it.

This is for Broward-Dade area, so if you live north of Coral Springs you will most likely have to drive down south to be in the video if we have contacted you!

This video will not be for the faint of heart, there will be curbs, there will be cops, there will be bent rims. If that scares you, ALT+F4 now.

Stay tuned and if you find a golden ticket; CONGRATULATIONS YOU'VE MADE THE CUT!!
what the fuck is this bullshit? im trying to make a legitimate video on florida as a whole and the reason why there was more than 1 thread on it is because we have merged into 1 project.
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