Sebring video

How smooth/bumpy is that place? And did they force you to start at that spot or could you go further back if you wanted?
How smooth/bumpy is that place? And did they force you to start at that spot or could you go further back if you wanted?

We were starting like way further back then that. I think you may have to start close if you don't have a cage or something, but Jerry was by far starting closest to the course than anyone else.
We were starting like way further back then that. I think you may have to start close if you don't have a cage or something, but Jerry was by far starting closest to the course than anyone else.

Ah ok. Just looked like tons of available run up.
Not everyone chose to run the course that had been setup. Those of us that were, were entering between 65-75mph maybe even faster than that with some people with less power. I was starting where I had to start to get up to 75mph at the entry. From going to Sebring now three times, it seems like Bobby will decide where we can start if he wants to get involved. One time in February Bert started all the way at the fence. In Feb we all started further back because of the differences in the courses that were set up. The roughness you see is from the expansion cracks in the concrete runway. It doesn't bother me at all then again IDK where else we can practice with this much speed and variety.
if you started at the fence you'd be at 110ish+ IF you full throttled it. Bobby says they hold instructor competitions and start back there and slide into it at 120 in the stangs.
if you started at the fence you'd be at 110ish+ IF you full throttled it. Bobby says they hold instructor competitions and start back there and slide into it at 120 in the stangs.

Thats what I'd like to see. 100mph+ entries there.
Well... considering that PBIR was able to do 100mph, and from the starting point we were getting 90's, and barely 30 cars showed up with less than 1/2 getting into the 90s.... i think that FL needs drivers first, then 100mph entries ; ;
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