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^ very true

leo is a cool dude to chill with but he does like to mess with people when it comes to anything to do with cars. your not the only one on this boat. hes likes to sell bad parts and sell peoples shit!!! ive seen it happen a fiew times

leo your cool dude but stop fucking with people
A Cool Guy .... dont fuck up with people like that !! Thats what i think when i describe a cool guy.
^ that is true. He may not be a bad Guy but he is not a cool or good person. More than one person has the same problems with him, I'm Not saying he doesn't have friends cause he wouldn't still be on here of he didn't. But its not okay to keep peoples money, sell people bad parts, or even talk crap on peoples for sale thread about stupid crap that is pointless to anything (I don't care if you can solder 5 wires and short your hole harness out and save money I wasn't including a ghetto rigged harness but a professionally converted one so anything said about that is point less) then when asked multiple times to stay out of the thread and that he is misinformed and to keep his comments to himself he responses with ( you need to shut your pie hole on the interwebz before I fuck it so hard you pass out and wake up with my name tattooed on your ass..punk ass bitch) and the situation escalated from there. No one in there right mind would say that to any body unless there looking for problems and to start shit. I do want anyone to think that any aggression or name calling is cause of the money situation. Deals go bad all the time no reason for name calling. But constant harassment then threats is reason for my conclusions and consequent calling it as I see it. Just felt I should fill you guys in on a lil back drop of what happened coming into this. I have always tried to avoid problems and drama main reason I stay off jdmsouth. I knew posting this thread would result in static but I go according to rules and figured this was the proper way of going about informing the community of this issue and I'm not the first nor the last to have this problem with him and everyone sees how much unneeded trash he spews on this forum. I did not want problems to result from this but rather be resolved.
This was posted in the thread leo posted about me before it was deleted:

Member Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: miami,fl
Car: s13 hatch, 86 cherokee4x4

I have his bank record showing how much he paid you and u know he gave u extra to ship it down. You also know you dodged his phone calls. If it was as simple as picking It up I would of went up there and got it like I did for the Mani but that wasn't the deal. The last time he talked to you was a month or two ago so don't make it seem like u haven't heard of this for a year. No matter how u justify it you cant keep someones money and or parts and resell them and think that's okay when you went against the deal you made and received payment Just cause u didn't feel like going to the post office I'm not going to stop my life and plan planing my wedding . If you would stop hiding behind a phone and a computer this would have been resolved. I don't have time nor energy for your childish antics. If I wanted to do something to you I would of been there the night u cursed and threatened me on my thread before I said crap to u so play the victim all u want. Everyone knows your a liar and one day u will gets what's coming to you ( oh and this isn't a threat just a fact of life that things catch up with bad people) Its hilarious how you can curse me out and make all kinds of threats and its fine and the second I reply to tags about people wanting me to beat your ass I'm the one that's threatening you with violence, no where in my thread I posted did I make any direct threat of violence towards u, saying I am going to collect when you don't make any effort to right this wrong means if this isnt resolved thats my only option left cause Ive tried everything else. This isn't the first time you have done this to people on the forum and u have a rep for it, if u get paid to ship it just do it I'm not gonna waste more money in gas on top of it cause u are a scammer and a lair n think u can just get away with it.
Last edited by thabeast; 1 Minute Ago at 05:55 AM.

I just want the ppl of this forum to know to watch out with dealing with him, that is the purpose of the feedback thread anyway. I was right not to expect this to be resolved on here seeing as what evolved out of it and leo has yet to hit me up to give me my money back even tho he has money to be buying cars but cant spare 190 he scammed me out of. But i guess he wouldnt be a scammer if he gave money back and was an over all honest person. Just posted that so people know what happened and not that I paid him and didnt pick up the parts but that he didnt ship them and dodged phone calls for a year, till I posted this. /thread
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