Running w/o a thermastat?

There is such a thing as overcooling. Get a Nismo thermostat, it opens at a lower temperature. It would be bad because the engine is designed to work best at an optimal temperature range, but further than that I can't say if there's going to be damage.
put it back in
if no thermostat helped the cooling efficiency dont you think they would come that way from the factory?
then u have to put all stock back, like the air filter box, cuz everything that comes from factory is efficiency for the car ?
haha cordobes i see your point...but anyway yea it helps cool, but if your car runs like shyt when not warmedup in the morning, it will run like extra shyt when you pull the thermostat because its gnna take a while to jsut posting based on experience, its helped cool down alot though
2 things off the bat... 1) the thermostat is designed to flow a certain way so even if you want it off you should keep the Frame of it to have the flow
2) your car will take alot longer to warm up and in that period the car will be weak
I don't know the exact numbers but there is more engine wear the cooler the temp, so if it takes double the time to warm up that equals double the damage so yes there is more engine wear
ive never run a thermostat in anything, your fine dude, this is florida, if we lived up north, the story would be different.
i hear thats what a lot of the pro guys are doing now a days to keep parasitic draw off of the motor
taking it out is fine just do as vip said and leave the top frame in place u need it
a trick alot of dumbestic guys do it take the thermostat and hit is with a hammer so it bends open but there's still restriction in the flow of water (i guess that's like keeping the frame of it in). I dont understand why that is better than no thermostat but i guess it gives more time for the water molecules to soak up heat or dissipate heat. maybe less fluctuating in temperature, we know heat makes things expand and cool make things contract
On computer controlled cars there such a thing called open loop and closed loop. When your engine is warming up which it senses via coolant temp sensors and such the car is running in a different mode I.e throwing more fuel etc. When it gets to operating temps it switches to closed loop. Which is a different mode of operation which helps your motor run optimally. If the thermostats not there itll take longer. Leave it there. Things are made for a reason. If it's not broken don't fix it.
^well said

put it back in
if no thermostat helped the cooling efficiency dont you think they would come that way from the factory?

^this gets old

to OP: if you are running into problems of keeping the car cool and you tried checking or upgrading the rest of the cooling system then as a last resort would i personally remove the thermostat.
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removing tstat is stupid because your car will take forever to warm up and there will be no gain in cooling.

stupid reasons

Takes longer for engine oil to warm up especially bad on turbo cars engine oil is designed to protect in a temp range cold oil less protection due to thicker viscosity.

When its not warmed up it dumps fuel up to 50% more fuel than when at operating temp.

On modern cars a check engine light will occur from coolant not reaching desired temp within allowed time, and not go into closed loop until reaching a certain temp.

I dont understand how so many people have cooling issues my car sr stock sr rad stock tstat stock fan clutch and it never overheats unless i hotlap for like 3 mins straight in 100deg weather.
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