Ahh water front... can I bring my paddle boat? Not that I have one
J30 Meghz said:From that 70's show. I guess it just stuck. lol
charlie a.k.a. chuck said:... is she single?
z4k said:How much to sleep on the couch like Rob said?
Eddie@SpoolUpRacing said:ya we deff jacked this... soory
Flatline slider said:meg you dont ask me why i must ask iv been wanting to move out.... but maybe not my car is a full time job that dousent pay me... i know the house and the cool peaple in it.. call me one of these nights or swing by the shop
Aerok180 said:Damn Meghan, ur house is come u guys never invited the Monkeys over?? hhhmmmmmmmmmm??????? hahahaha