Roly D's FDSQ pics

roly tight work you got both almost wall taps one with the baller green hatch and the one with tim driving my buddies white s14
holly shit wdf hapen to the 350? and why were there cones in the middle.... thats just stupid , look at all the people that lost bumpers cus of that shit.... blah.
pictures look awesome roly! great job i love looking at your photos.

i loled at the car running over the cone.
1st off roly ftmfw love that pic of me.

damn KP where you able to drive home

jackson you ate the shit out of that bumper estie has a sil kit a the shop he might be willing to sell you

naw i gave kp my spot on the traier and atttemped to drive my car home. it didnt turn out good at all. and i got almost halfway home and it started running like crap and wouldnt stay alive so the lexus had to drive on on c16(15dollars a gal i belive)

and i need to talk to estie thanks alot
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damn roly def takes the best pics on the forum....w/e...sweet...event looked sick...
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