rip my buddy george lopez

he was probably one of the most chill and talented people i have ever met. never hesitating to help someone.
Wow, I also saw this on CNN. I was wondering if anyone on here knew him. That shit is so fucked up, I hope they catch the motherfucker who did this.
damn eddie sorry about your loss man hope yall find this asshole first
What do you get from doing this?
This really bothers the shit outta me wow!
sorry for your loss man hope they catch his ass
Sorry for the loss Sanchez...this world seems to get crazier and crazier everyday...

I pray they catch that animal who did this...most likely they will i think.

+1 on F150 hunting...
What a piece of shit that would do that to for no reason not saying its ok to shoot someone for a reason but damn man sorry for your loss
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