Rest of the photos are going up now...

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Couple of teasers



Harri is awesome.. took some pics with a young (Drifting fan). Props to dad for bringing the kid out, and props to Harri for coming around and taking a photo with him.. good stuff - however I don't think that kid wants the red flag - he wants a green one - look at that face! :mad:

GETTING Pwned by a Go-Kart :X

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awesome pics man! But hey do you think i can have pics #38 and 67 - 69 (0108, 0294, 0295, 0298) or if you have any more of me that arent there, or do i have to really pay for them? I'd really appreciate it because your like the only person who took pics of me
Phil @ Aero K said:
awesome pics man! But hey do you think i can have pics #38 and 67 - 69 (0108, 0294, 0295, 0298) or if you have any more of me that arent there, or do i have to really pay for them? I'd really appreciate it because your like the only person who took pics of me

PM sent, since I don't ordinarily give out images. Remember I drive from Orlando and such and have gas costs, camera costs (maintenance) etc as well... Thanks for the understanding, but I think that anyone that has a job or does art work etc - can understand where I am coming from.
what maintance to cameras?

dude seriously, calm down with the "i dont give out free shots" stuff, i cant begin to tell u the amount of shots ive given out to people from amature events, and ive shot 20 times more amature events then you have.

do it for the love of it or dont do it at all.

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marksaccord95 said:
what maintance to cameras?

dude seriously, calm down with the "i dont give out free shots" stuff, i cant begin to tell u the amount of shots ive given out to people from amature events, and ive shot 20 times more amature events then you have.

do it for the love of it or dont do it at all.


First I don't care what you do, and I am not you so STFU. Second, maintenance (shutter replacement) once a year, the sensor cleaning once/twice a month depending on shots. New cards, cards replacement, etc.... Tissue cloths, cleaning liquid, lens calibration when the camera is sent in for maintenance.

I could care less what you do to be honest. I never claimed to have shot drifting events like you have so why are you so concerned with it? You do what you do, as I will. (Wow, you have shot more amateur events) And I have done more pro sporting events whats your point? move on with your petty crap
If he wants to charge for HIS OWN photos then thats his choice. There HIS....... period.
FlyinFINN said:
If he wants to charge for HIS OWN photos then thats his choice. There HIS....... period.

Thanks Finn... She's been carrying this over from FloridaDrift where they mod's there have told them to kill the bs. She just keeps going on and on and on about it - it's pathetic really. It's like me telling you how you should drive your BMW. lol... Mods you can feel free to lock this thread...

I have had absolutely no issues from anyone on this forum, actually more people here are understanding and they PM me and ask me for things vs. acting like a 5 year old in a sand box.
Photographer407 said:
First I don't care what you do, and I am not you so STFU. Second, maintenance (shutter replacement) once a year, the sensor cleaning once/twice a month depending on shots. New cards, cards replacement, etc.... Tissue cloths, cleaning liquid, lens calibration when the camera is sent in for maintenance.

I could care less what you do to be honest. I never claimed to have shot drifting events like you have so why are you so concerned with it? You do what you do, as I will. (Wow, you have shot more amateur events) And I have done more pro sporting events whats your point? move on with your petty crap

shutter replacement once a year?! ROFLMAO come on buddy. so your tellin me you take 200,000 pics a year?
sensor cleaning, free.
new cards, they dont wear out.......
lens calibration? seriously?
tissue cloths- wow thats a bank breaker

More pro events? hahahahahahahahahahahahhaha

lets see, some of my more favorites
24 hours of rolex 07

long beach grand prix 05-06

nhra, irl, imsa, idrc, champ car, formula D, nmca, nmra etc etc etc

Photographer407 said:
Thanks Finn... She's been carrying this over from FloridaDrift where they mod's there have told them to kill the bs. She just keeps going on and on and on about it - it's pathetic really. It's like me telling you how you should drive your BMW. lol... Mods you can feel free to lock this thread...

I have had absolutely no issues from anyone on this forum, actually more people here are understanding and they PM me and ask me for things vs. acting like a 5 year old in a sand box.

no, you try to come off like your some bad ass photographer, and I was previously trying to be nice, but now im just going to flat out tell you that your shots blow.

take the camera off AUTO mode and use it as an SLR/
Good, so they blow whats your point? At what point did I say they were great? (Awaits the all mighty answer from the best auto photographer in the US) PLEASE enlighten me? Or better yet, keep whining. You sound like a little girl... (wahhhhhhhhhhh)

As far as (sporting events) yes I cover FSU, Miami, some Magic Games etc... these are my forte not racing events. If you feel it necessary to whine about my photos you feel free.

Your ignorance is about as strong as your over inflated ego. And your camera knowledge is evidently on the low end. 200k shots? The 20D is rated for 50,000 some get 75 some 100 - and yes I shoot well over that in a given year. Im not sure of your problem, maybe your pri** feels small because someone else is out shooting photos, or you just don't have enough work to keep busy... But hey, I wouldn't know - since you're the master! hahahahaha





And here are some of mine, WHO CARES? hahahahahahahahaha
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Its 100,000 buddy, and most people report over 200,000

im not saying im the best photographer in the US, I am saying that YOU are giving off the impression that you have awesome shots, blah blah. go re read the thread on floridadrift. you make it seem that you have to sell your shots to help recoop your camera costs. I hate people like you that just dont do it for the fun of it. Hell I funded all my own Formula D events (shot 70% of the series last year) and could have given 2 shits if i sold a single shot.

if you did it for the love of it and not make it sound like you need some sort of compensation for your time, then people wouldnt have jumped on your ass so much

stick to your high shutter football photography.......
hahaha honestly, why do you care if he "doesn't do it for the love of it"? He is free to do whatever he wants. His shots don't blow. Actually, everyone is entitled to their own opinion but your opinion sucks ^_^ if he wants to sell them, hell, let him sell them. Just grow up and do your own thing. To me it sounds as if you're maybe jealous... do your photos not sell? lol
mkiriakopoulos said:
hahaha honestly, why do you care if he "doesn't do it for the love of it"? He is free to do whatever he wants. His shots don't blow. Actually, everyone is entitled to their own opinion but your opinion sucks ^_^ if he wants to sell them, hell, let him sell them. Just grow up and do your own thing. To me it sounds as if you're maybe jealous... do your photos not sell? lol
i dont try to sell these events, i just let people have them.......

it funny, id never have known that these threads exsisted, but it seems like the people linking me to them see what im seeing as well...

there are different types of photographers, your better at the fast shutter stuff, im better at the slow, so maybe you should stick to events that call for fast shutter speeds.
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Dude, if he wants to sell the shots, that's his thing. Sure it sux, but its his job, and no-one is questioning that but you. He's a PRO photographer, he has to make $ somehow. So just STFU and GTFO...seriously
I won't go into it anymore, it's a lost cause. Hes got nothing better to do but to bash other people for personal recognition - at least I guess that is what he wants. The truth in the matter is photographers that shoot pro events get paid. The ones that don't and just give stuff away are frowned upon hugely. There was a nice write up not to long ago about stock photography - and photographers in general... Since most people wont read this because of the length, that is fine - but the end result is (value)...

There have been countless threads on this forum from people asking for a price for anything from a single photo to be published to how much to charge for a shooting assignment.

Some say they don't want to make any money from this photo just a few bucks. Others say they don't want any pay at all just a photo credit to get their name out there or to see it in a paper with their photo credit.
Quick tell me the name of the photographer who took the last shot you saw in your local paper that made you say WOW!!What a shot! Can't remember his name? Nobody will remember yours either

There are also threads which talk about using some of these online stock agencies, which pay next to nothing.

Now consider this, if you support one of these online agencies by supplying them with images or, if you are willing to give your images away just for a credit consider the ramifications of those acts.

Let's say that a year down the road you and the little Mr/Mrs decide you want to buy some lake front property for a weekend home and possible to retire to in the future. How can you afford this? Hey I know, I can start selling my images instead of basically giving them away.
So now you start looking around for someplace to represent you, a stock agency or a photo agent. Hmmmm, your having some trouble finding one now. Why? Because editors have used Istock or some of the other give away stock agencies and have found that they can find something on there which will meet their needs. Why pay another agency $800 for that stock photo when they can get one for $4.00?
You finally get in contact by telephone with an editor at The Best Damn Stock Agency in the World. You explain you have quite a collection of great images. He asks if you have ever sold any of them. "Yes, lots of them on" CLICK "Hello? Hello?"

Now you decide that maybe you will call the paper that ran your hs football shots for the last 4 years and see if they would be interested in hiring you to cover the local hs sporting events, nothing major in the way of pay. Maybe $75 a game. Guess what? They would love to have you do it but, it doesn't pay anything. Why should they start to pay you now. You have been doing it for 4 years at no charge. You won't work for free anymore? Fine, Johnny Gotshots has a new camera and has been bugging them for the last 3 months with wanting to submit his shots from the hs game.

Maybe you can contact a calendar company and see if they would be interested in taking a look at your landscapes and wildlife shots. Nope, they don't accept submissions anymore. All their images come from istock or a similar agency. Sorry but we have stockholders who are now making $35 a share instead of $2.00 and they love it.

Oh there will always be sources which will pay "pro" rates but, they will have a strict list of people whom they accept images from and you ain't on that list now nor will you be on it in this or anyother lifetime. Because of your actions in the past there is no longer a market for your photos that will pay you. Your work now has no value and the freebie agencies and photo credit only guys are where you can look to to see why the market is gone.
So you have to tell the Mr/Mrs that there is no way we can afford that lakeside cottage, sorry dear.

One thing you have to understand, any image you create has value. Some more than others. If someone contacts you and wants to use that photo for X use, it has a value. If they are not willing to pay you for it's use then it has little value, to them at least. They will find something suitable for their needs and some other schmuck will be thrilled that his photo was used. Guess what? You both got paid the same....nothing!

Now consider this, remember the shot of President Clinton shaking hands with people and Monica Lewinsky is in the crowd with her little beret on? How much revenue did that single photo generate? My guess would be close to $100,000 and I would be willing to bet that when the photo first ran, nobody knew who Monica Lewinsky was.
How about the shot of Jack Ruby sticking his gun in the belly of Lee Harvey Oswald? Oswalds mouth open showing the agony of pain from that gun shot. How much revenue did that generate? Probably more than 1/4 of a million $$$.
Ok so those were both newsworthy events, you don't ever shoot stuff like that. Everyone has seen a shot of the NYC skyline, the Jefferson Memorial at night reflecting off the water, how about a shot of a palace guard at Buckingham Palace? Not really newsworthy really but, still anyone of those images have raked in enough money to buy the entire line of Canon L lenses.
Can you afford to give away a single image that may turn into one of those once in a lifetime shots?
Give away your copyright, sell it for .20 a download over the internet, sell it for a photo credit and then think of how you will feel when all of a sudden you see that image which you have hanging on your wall and are so proud of being republished everywhere. In magazines, on TV programs, billboards, ads in magazines and newspapers.
When you get that sick to your stomach feeling because you gave that image away and now you realize that one image alone, made more in the last 6 months in revenue than you will make working 40 hours a week for the next 10 years, put the gun down and send ol' IndyJeff and email. Let me know that image is yours and you wished more than anything in the world you would have heeded the advice given by KennyG, VWPilot, RFMSports, Bloo Dog, myself and countless others to charge for your work because you now realize.....IT HAS VALUE!!!!!

Ken G.
I know one couple who have spent getting on for $50,000 between them for camera gear - MK-II's, 300 and 600 lenses, etc. They tread all over working photogs territory and give away their work for free. Their work isn't that good (good gear - no talent), but when it is free you can imagine everyone wants it.

One danger about giving work away for free is you could be taking bread out of the mouth of people who need to earn their living from it. If you want to do something for free, just be aware of the impact on other photographers, if there is any. You could find yourself a pariah, just like those above.

And in comment to my (shooting football) - vs. standing in one spot at a race....

I can't vouch for Kenny or Jim or VW but, when I cover an event and it is over I am sore, tired and aching all over. Last year after a football game I stopped by a friends house who lived near the game to visit with him. I came limping in like a 90 year old man. Sat down like I was about to break in half. He laughed and asked what the hell was wrong. I said it was like this after every game. He asked why I did it and I said because I love doing it, even with the aches and pains afterwards. I move, sqaut, kneel, stand, run from one end of the field to the other and trust me when your 29 years old and a guy runs a interception back for a TD and you get from one end of the field to the other in time to get set up to cover a 2 point conversion and get it from the linebackers view, your sore. It ain't all fun and games. When I get done shooting a game, be it softball, football wrestling or even hockey, I am hot, sweaty, sore and tired. It is work.

If you want to do it for free just to open doors, don't count on them ever paying you. My suggestion would be ask if you can cover a game as a stringer. If they use your shot you get paid, if they don't then they aren't out a single dime and all you have invested is the 3-4 hours you spent at the venue. Just remember, if your local paper gets used to having people work for free covering events, they come to expect that and you will never be able to get paid for shooting a game for them
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