Rag inside itake manifold

heres what i found when i took off the intake mani like a mad man :bigthumbu



turned the crank pulley and the valves released it, got like 98% of it out, the rest should get sucked up and burned.
yea thats what i said lmao, i went out got a new gasket and i will be reassembeling the mani tomorrow when i get home. thank god for the split in the head where the inward air flows. other wise it would or could have been worse.
I once had a pigeon get stuck in my combustion chamber and had to take the head off to free it, it mad it out unharmed...tru story

lol j/k but seriously how did this happen??? and when did u notice this could be the problem?
lol I heard a story once that their teacher purposely let a engine suck up a rag and it all burned up. I will assume that it had much bigger valves then a KA or maybe he lied or they just ran it long enough until it was eatin up.
my biggest concern was that it would damage the valves, but it seems like they are fine i got everything put back to gether, it sputtered at first and ran like shit for a few seconds but then it started running perfect :) i actually heard the last little bit of rag get shot out hahaha
haha, oh man I wonder how long that shit has been in there. This problem had to have come from introducing blunts to wrenching...:ugh:

Oh Well Good to hear shit is aight. So now you, me, and Ant gotta tri-tandem.
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last time i mixed blunts and wrenching the blunt fell in the intake and the car took a big hit started coughing and my headlights have been dimmer ever since
yo swan, it wasnt like that when i got it..... it happend when we were putting it together and shit. got it out though so no worries.

haha, oh man I wonder how long that shit has been in there. This problem had to have come from introducing blunts to wrenching...:ugh:

Oh Well Good to hear shit is aight. So now you, me, and Ant gotta tri-tandem.

and trust that the tri rail tandem will be on hahaha choo choo *****
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