quick question about s13 and s15s


hey all,

im thinking about getting a s15 like a 97 or 98 240sx. my question is what other cars can i get parts from. like with the s13 i can use s13 parts from 89-92 and i can use j30, and a few other cars i can use parts from.

what can a 97 or 98 240sx use part from?
its a search engine that alot of people use when they are unsure about things, its actually pretty populer nowadays u might be able to find usefull info on there...
Ok flame all u want doesnt bother me some will answer. Maybe you miss under stood im getting and 97 240sx i just wanted to know what other cars are compatable in parts with the years 95-98 there isnt really anything to flame me about. Im not looking to do a swap and see what will work. Im asking what are the diffrent cars i can get parts from cause u dont find many 95-98 in the junkyards. I know google can help me but im not looking for a type of swap. Im looking for cars that i can find in the junkyard that will work with the 95-98.
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Your getting flamed for calling it a s15. theres no usdm s15. your probibly mistaken a s14 kiouki for the s15. And if you have a s13 with a sr20 shouldnt u know these things?
If u need parts look in the forsale section or post a want to buy thread come on dude common sense use it.
the halogen fluid can be used on all 3 models but the J s15 brings a thicker fluid so its not recommended for all applications. but it works really good, specially drifting...
call the AMBERLAMPS!!!

I hear S15 were made in Europe too...

read this and the go back and read ur first post and the u'll understand why paople are :laugh: at u
S13 89-94 (us), 89-93 silvia/ 89-98 180sx (japan)
S14 95-98 (us), 94-98 silvia (japan)
S15 99-02 (JAPAN ONLY)
S16 ??-?? (my wet dreams)
Ok got it sorry. I know everything about s13 cause i have one. I dont no shit about a car i dont own. About to own one so im now trying to figer shit out about it. And yes i ment a s14. Thanks for the help all.
you kinda have to be more specific. Do you want people to start listing every single thing that is interchangeable?

btw.. after s13 comes s14. not s15. kinda like counting... the numbers go up in order.. 95-98 is an s14. 95-96 is the zenki s14 and 97-98 is the kouki s14.
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