please photochop

you looked in the mirror and saw another black man sitting there, quick call the police.

hahaha, i hate/love racial humor only when done by me at my own expense so dont try

heres another i was bored. Pkus Alexs '05 you got some weird shit under the front bumper. hint hint. You guys don't understand this takes lile 45 seconds. lol i have faster ways of doing it if anyone wants a photoshop lesson This is what i do for a living so i pretty much know photoshop inside and out.. -SAS
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hayabusa03rx said:
Its all good man. I get the same thing. When I meet customers they always think I'm white. Guess i don't sound black enough on the phone. :D

Thats funny everyone thinks im black on the phone, and white in person. What the hell does a native american have to do to get some respect around here. -SAS
MiaS13 said:

i think i qualify to make those jokes LMAO

You fucking tool...thats my tee..SEND TO ME NOW!!!! Give me that shirt off your and send me that hat to :bigthumbu

.hahahaha :laugh: JFW. :bigthumbu
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