**pics**countyline Feb 10th

he fuckin dirt dropped the shit out of his car and flung rocks and dirt all over the track. Then they had to tandem on that shit. It was in no way cool and he deserved to get kicked out.

and the rx7 ghostriding his car

that was funny as hell lol It took us like an hour to get him to do it. lol
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Hey guys, this is the z32, just wanted to apologize for my little antics, I got carried away and didn't think it would cause this much trouble. I just don't want any beef with anyone. I realized what I did may have been uncalled for. Don't worry I won't be pulling that shit anymore. So again I greatly apologize to anyone whom I've upset.
Hey guys, this is the z32, just wanted to apologize for my little antics, I got carried away and didn't think it would cause this much trouble. I just don't want any beef with anyone. I realized what I did may have been uncalled for. Don't worry I won't be pulling that shit anymore. So again I greatly apologize to anyone whom I've upset.

i understand your behavior... welll...understood for the 1st 2min then it was like... 'humm.. i bet he knows he lost the burnout comp or he might he might b stupider then me... oh shit the drivers r pissed n look... tim's gonna get him"

you should go on tims thread and give him your 411

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^^ lol but the [very anoying] narrator owner guy was fueling his idiocracy...so not all his fault
yeah its me. no problem... you shoulda got a canon.lol

Heres a couple more...

badass pic THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! first i see of me all day
-I hope I wasn't a contributor to the said "waste of time".

It was my first time taking my Vic on the track so I really had to get the weight-shifting down. Anyone who witnessed my last two runs post-burnout competiton saw that I finally started to git 'er loose.

-And now for the next drift event to come along. lmao.

Oh, and I hope I didn't bore anyone with the burnout. I needed that money.
-Figured the sirens, strobe and PA would put it in the bag. :D
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^ like i told you bro get a e brake and cut the cable. it will help alot seeing as how you can't clutch kick.
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