Photography Critique *Pretty Please?*

they seem snapshotish cuz they are snap not trying to get that story type of pics jus yet..i was looking for tips and tricks on quality! like iso shutter speed ect! so all i been doing was jus messing with settings!

thanks tho!
Oh if your just looking for settings then thats easy.

Always shoot at your lowest iso. That'll cut down on noise/grain in your picture. If its daytime and bright out then you should be fine with iso 100. Indoors you might need to bump it up to 400 maybe 800 depending on your lens and your subject.

If your new and just use the camera in "P" mode. It'll set your camera up like a p&s. Pay attention to your shutter speed and aperture (the little number after the f). This isn't going to always get you the best pictures, but until you know what everything does it'll work.

Aperture/shutter speed/iso all work hand in hand. You have to know which one does what when you change it and how it'll effect your picture.

There's an exposure meter in the screen also but we'll go over that at a later date.

Keep shooting and remembering what settings you used. Get a opanda exif viewer. its free. It'll let you right click on pictures and tell you what settings they used and such. If they haven't stripped the exif. If you have any questions just hit me up on aim. Ask Buriantsu I've spent hours talking over things with him. I'm not going to bash you for anything. I'm here to help.
The picture quality is whats killing it...but as they said PS & Lightroom are your boys.

Night photography sucks.....only cause I suck at it, but I've got something up my sleeve. You doin work for these contests?

Contest? Me? The ohsnapsnap/skafia website? If so I got some wedding shots.

please tell me you arent on the auto setting. use every setting possible keep your ISO low and get fuckin creative. the more you shoot the better you will be. dont be scared to fuck with the buttons.
please tell me you arent on the auto setting. use every setting possible keep your ISO low and get fuckin creative. the more you shoot the better you will be. dont be scared to fuck with the buttons.

Couldnt have said it better...I would have used more bad words but its nice and simple. I use to shoot with lets you get away with some of the shots but not all trust me, read about your camera look at other photographers portfolios and so on.

DAMN DATS A GANGSTA ASS SHOT!!! How funny it's right in front of the entrance to my complex.

it reminds me of when ur the first at a red and sum dude pulls up next to you thinking he's hard and shit, and on green the both cars launch and run it. lol

but honestly this pic to me says a lot, i just wrote a lil story just by lookin at this pic.

Not really hating. If everyone said his work looks great, but there are places he could improve then he never will, or will think he's doing things right that aren't.

Get shooting anyway.
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