Photography Critique *Pretty Please?*

Roly D Sauce

Bent Rims and Tickets v.1
Staff member
Photography Critique *Pretty Please?*[Pics Added]

This Is Some Pics From The Very First Set Of Pics From My New Camera..

Comments Of Anykind Welcome!

Disregaurd The Riced Out Vet!

Basically Looking For Tips And Tricks On Quality!





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you have the right idea, playing around is the best way to learn. what exposure are you using? the pics with the vet would look nice if the colors were a bit more vibrant, nothing a quick trip to photoshop or lightroom/aperture cant fix.
the first shot: Theres something about that picture that I really like, you really caught the colors well, you had a great setting, its so sharp and clean! :D

the next two: eh, alright like jones said just a little over exposed. (like not seeing the clouds or blue in the sky) but nothing PS cant fix :D

The last one: I really like, Ive always had fun shooting at shops at night, it really sets the mood. were you using a tripod or no, if not you did a really good job.

Roly i know you, and I know your potential and I know your gonna get even better, and take awesome shots, for these shots coming out of your camera on your very first try. then wow. I cant wait to shoot with you. :D
thanks alot meg...nd no I didn't use a tripod in any rather shoot at night then in day..
Long exposures on a tripod when in dim light like in the last two will bring out great detail and even color. mess around with it it can be awesome .
I'm actually about to head out for some night photography.

You should read up on composition. The first one is decent. The rest just seem like snapshots as you were walking around.

The last one is probably the best out of your set. Has a mood and tells a story of whats going on.
heres an example of what a difference one quick trip to lightroom can make...5 min tops


went a little overboard with the cyan though >_<

just to show you alot of what you see nowadays is not perfect at first glance, these programs exist because photographers dont always get it right. getting the "right" shot used to consist of massive amount of pictures and painstaking selection of photographs. but with todays technology it has gotten rid of that step (not entirely, but to a certain extent) if your shot is withing the basis of a good shot technology can take over and fix the errors for you :p nice to come up in this day and age.
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Drop the iso on the cap shot. I'm not sure why your shooting at iso1600 with a shutter speed that high. Also your shots are still just snapshotish.

I'm in no way saying I'm a great photographer but check my site out for some work.
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