OSW video clips links POST YOURS


Do you guys want to see eachothers clips BladdMaster has provided?
I want to see you guys cause I couldn't really watch everybody that day.
We can see eachother's drifts and Bladds awesome action capturing technique. hrhr

I'll start off and post my spin-out extravanganza.

Click here to see Video
Not bad CUZ.Good job from being your first drift practice.Keep it up and I know U'll be a great PRO drifter someday.
suaknee said:
Do you guys want to see eachothers clips BladdMaster has provided?
I want to see you guys cause I couldn't really watch everybody that day.
We can see eachother's drifts and Bladds awesome action capturing technique. hrhr

I'll start off and post my spin-out extravanganza.

Click here to see Video

that was me saying "hes doing pretty damn good"
nice, guys. Is anybody making a video of that day?

Obh that was you piner. Thanks man. That part makes the video.
i'm not going to be at the event on the 21st because of my sisters wedding (why did they make it the 21st GRRR)

i'm getting my new drift coupe ready anyway, i'll be at the event after this one with my new setup and 4 pairs of mounted tires :D I'm running no exhaust on the new car ATM and dam it sounds, mean worse then seans S12 on a bad day... gotta get that fixed lol..
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