one step closer for my brown ass to get into cuba

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Just goto Europe like I am Robert. Don't goto something worse. Before the end of this year I'm gone. Glad to see someone else not still thinking this is the greatest country on earth like your brought up in school to think.
Rediculous standpoint.....not even on the political level, what you jus said is pure garbage. I for one don't give a fuck period, but for me to say this place is a shit hole is gay. Its like living with your father, but saying "he's a bastard and i'm leaving the first chance i get" no matter where you go u will face shit that is unsavory, jus man up pointblank :boring:

omg your a dumb ass...this is why i stay out of offtopic forums





get the fuck out of my country.
Too all the people that say pack-up and leave....give me a break.

In every country there are things that people don't like...doesn't mean they have to leave. What hypocrites to say this is a great country and than turn around and shit on the first amendment. People are committing suicide and taking therir families with them because of the economy. Health care will say fuck you if dont have awesome insurance. Yeah 100 dollar a pill for heart medication. Let me not start about who we celebrate Christ Colombus who slaughtered, raped, and enjoyed killing the natives here and completely wiping out a race of people. Should I begin with how America started ethnic cleansing and forced women to remove their wombs who were not ethically clean..How about how the government allows any credit bearing company to do what ever the fuck they want and screw people outta homes.

So to the people who think this country is soooo great...nothing can be great...and the worst kinda great is the great where can can't see the flaws. This is just a fraction! of how horrible the country is...and the only reason why I say that is because the country unlike others has the potential of being great.

I live here and I have to deal with it...if I could move I would lol...Japan here i come.

LMAO and you think Japan is all that???? Do you base your wanting to live in Japan off some bullshit manga fantasy or do you want to go there and live the dorifto life style and have hot and submissive japanese babes like if you were living on an anime?

Listen man, you mention

1) '' People are committing suicide and taking therir families with them because of the economy.''
- Japan has one of the highest suicide rates of industrialized nations. Think about this for a moment, and think about why. Go read about phenomenons like Hikkimori, or why so many Japanese men would rather have sex dolls than their wives, or the incredible pressures placed upon them by a strict hierarchical society.

2)- "Colombus slaughtered, raped, and enjoyed killing the natives here and completely wiping out a race of people. Should I begin with how America started ethnic cleansing and forced women to remove their wombswho were not ethically clean.''
- Never heard of what the Japs did in WW2, in many cases they were WORSE than the nazis themselves. Ever heard of unit 731, or the rape of Nanking just to mention a few? The worst thing is that to this day, Japan has not apologized for the brutalities they committed, and they continue honoring some of the men responsible as national heroes. Shit, even the fucking GERMANS had the decency to apologize..

3) Unless you Japanese, guess what, you will never fully fit in in Japanese society. Yes they are extremely corteous but thats just the way things are. And if you hate how materialistic Americans are, then you are gonna have ball in Japan.

4- im not stupid, Im not generalizing, just pointing out some things about Japan. Since you know all about how bad the U.S is, maybe you need to know about the not-so-nice , real-life-is-not-an-anime aspects of Japan.

Since this is a drifters site some people's vags are probably gonna be sanded by this post . I love traveling and I will visit Japan one day, and I didn't take 2semesters of Japanese for nothing....but that doesnt make me close my eyes and swear its the greatest place in the world just because its jdm tite :rolleyes:

But like you said no country is perfect, and if you think other countries are "soooo great " maybe you need to experience them and realize that yes, The U.S does some pretty fucked up shit and theres many things wrong with this country, and sometimes Americans and their ignorance and cocky attitude just make it worse (see poster above me for reference) , but that in comparison to other places, its really not so bad.
^^ You can have all that in other countries aswell.... besides the Nascar thing, you can keep that. lol

Man, here I am trying to explain how America isnt as bad as some people say and defending it, even compared to Europe (Brits are rednecks with an accent), and then someone goes and posts these pictures and ruins my argument by posting precisely the bad things about America.:p
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But like you said no country is perfect, and if you think other countries are "soooo great " maybe you need to experience them and realize that yes, The U.S does some pretty fucked up shit and theres many things wrong with this country, and sometimes Americans and their ignorance and cocky attitude just make it worse (see poster above me for reference) , but that in comparison to other places, its really not so bad.

And how many other countries have you been to and stayed for months upon months to see how people live? When you have actually experienced that, then you can compare that America is "not so bad" compared to other places.
Man, here I am trying to explain how America isnt as bad as some people say and defending it, even compared to Europe (Brits are rednecks with an accent), and then someone goes and posts these pictures and ruins my argument by posting precisely the bad things about America.:p


And how many other countries have you been to and stayed for months upon months to see how people live? When you have actually experienced that, then you can compare that America is "not so bad" compared to other places.

I was not born or raised here, to start with.

As for my other experiences....I admit not so great. The most I've done is study for 2 months in the Czech Republic and visit Slovakia and Germany. Does this change my argument that "america is not so bad" ? No it doesnt. Sorry, I don't need to live in Laos, Sudan, or Haiti to state that "America is not so bad". There's a reason why so many people from so many parts of the world come to live here or seek asylum. The fact that the U.S is not perfect and has its flaws does not change the fact that for some reason when people think of opportunity and a chance of a better life they come *here*, and not to China...

I'll probably end up living in Europe and raise my kids there. That doesn't mean I'll condemn this country as the spawn of Satan or not be thankful for the opportunities it presents, opportunities that are simply not available in many other countries.
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Thats full of win jones is the man

+ 1. And thats it, im done with this pissing contest over the internet, and on a damn car forum...all the time I wasted arguing here I could have used to install my tension rods or something. Stupid waste of time
LMAO and you think Japan is all that???? Do you base your wanting to live in Japan off some bullshit manga fantasy or do you want to go there and live the dorifto life style and have hot and submissive japanese babes like if you were living on an anime?

Listen man, you mention

1) '' People are committing suicide and taking therir families with them because of the economy.''
- Japan has one of the highest suicide rates of industrialized nations. Think about this for a moment, and think about why. Go read about phenomenons like Hikkimori, or why so many Japanese men would rather have sex dolls than their wives, or the incredible pressures placed upon them by a strict hierarchical society.

2)- "Colombus slaughtered, raped, and enjoyed killing the natives here and completely wiping out a race of people. Should I begin with how America started ethnic cleansing and forced women to remove their wombswho were not ethically clean.''
- Never heard of what the Japs did in WW2, in many cases they were WORSE than the nazis themselves. Ever heard of unit 731, or the rape of Nanking just to mention a few? The worst thing is that to this day, Japan has not apologized for the brutalities they committed, and they continue honoring some of the men responsible as national heroes. Shit, even the fucking GERMANS had the decency to apologize..

3) Unless you Japanese, guess what, you will never fully fit in in Japanese society. Yes they are extremely corteous but thats just the way things are. And if you hate how materialistic Americans are, then you are gonna have ball in Japan.

4- im not stupid, Im not generalizing, just pointing out some things about Japan. Since you know all about how bad the U.S is, maybe you need to know about the not-so-nice , real-life-is-not-an-anime aspects of Japan.

Since this is a drifters site some people's vags are probably gonna be sanded by this post . I love traveling and I will visit Japan one day, and I didn't take 2semesters of Japanese for nothing....but that doesnt make me close my eyes and swear its the greatest place in the world just because its jdm tite :rolleyes:

But like you said no country is perfect, and if you think other countries are "soooo great " maybe you need to experience them and realize that yes, The U.S does some pretty fucked up shit and theres many things wrong with this country, and sometimes Americans and their ignorance and cocky attitude just make it worse (see poster above me for reference) , but that in comparison to other places, its really not so bad.

Wow, pretty good post. Sounds like you might have spent some time in Japan. Overall Japan is still a much better place to live for the average person than the US, it's just more concerned with the well-being of its people, like most of the European countries. But you are spot-on about never being truly accepted in the country as one of their own, and about some of the screwy things that happen and the hierarchy structure. It's such a very odd and fascinating place....

I cant pretend to fully understand the extremely complicated Japanese society and social systems, but I spent enough time there to know that as a legal resident you have much more available to you as just another member of society than what the US offers. The US is really a kind of 'every man for himself' kinda place, where if you dont make it, tough shit. It's really quite unique among industrialized nations, no other place like it.
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