Off to Japan.......


Well friends, my flight leaves Monday morning on March 3rd to Osaka Kansai Int'l Airport. I will be in Tsuyama Japan for two weeks. Driving Sports Japan owner Kawabata san will be picking me up and i will be working at Driving Sports for two weeks. Unfortunately my brother Shant can't go due to paperwork issues. So i will be all alone :(

Anyone need anything small, let me know....shoot me PMs and i will be happy to help out. Also, anything anybody would want to be added to our container, I can do so....just shoot me a PM

The Grand Opening for Aero-K Garage will be in June of 2008....we will advertise here and a few other forums. We will also have a full e-commerce website for all parts coming in from Japan.....
(will sign up for advertiser on SFL when i arrive back in US on March 18th for pre-orders)
Container will include the following companies as a debut in US;

-Make an Wake of Art, R.Y.O
-G Corporation
-326 Power
-MSC mags and dvds
and many more on the second container

I will also take alot of pictures daily, and will be taking my laptop with me to upload pictures will be taken as well......

Chuck, I will try to find a Japanese midget so i can smuggle in my suitcase for you buddy....Manny, would you like one j/p guys can't wait to meet a jap girl :D
I would also take a Japanese girl if thats not a problem. If it is a problem can you just write Gabe was here in one of the bathrooms at the airport so i can i least pretend i was there haha g/l with everything and take pics of EVERYTHING!
good luck bro, have a blast and take lots of pics:bigthumbu
get choro Qs
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I think you said you will be drifting over there? Well, if you do take some footage of that :bigthumbu. I hope everything goes well there and have a safe trip.
for sure man....hope you have a good time. dude if you could hook a brother up with some JDM cigarettes. and dude if you could make to an up garage and get me on of those stubby screwdriver keyholder things PLEASSEEEEEE!! lol. good luck out there man
sick bro, I'm so jealous. I just want you to have a good time. Oh yeah if you can snag some as much photos of all the cool little neat things, that would be a solid.
have a good trip dude n be safe.....if i end up keeping the kouki ill be hollerin at you bout a supermade kit in the near future!
God. I miss being so close to yours guys shop :[ I miss my boys. And Raffi have fun love. I know your going to! I wanna hear all about it when you get back. Be safe, and Yes Lots of pictures is a must <3
have fun on your trip dude

If you find SSR Minerva any 18x10.5 thru 11 (+7 and less offset)
hit me up even if you find 2, I'd be very interested.
Thanks everyone....i will try to grant everyones wishes....i cannot bring back anything big so keep it simple guys!
i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate youuuuuuuuu

seriously.... wtf
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