Octane TV/ Ter-Tech Drift School Footage

Hey guys,

Check out the new footage from our last drifting event on Octane Tv. Start signing up for the new Ter-Tech/Octane TV Drift classes now!! Here is a link to the website: http://octanetv.com/shows/15/episodes/432?season_id=20
lol makes me wanna join the school...
i loved the chick lol she is so funny...
"i think is about not crashing in the wall..." lol :) good promo!!! but you guys should get a bigger ter-tech sticker on the car... kind of like sponsor so people can relate ter-tech to a cool drift machine :D!!

im interested i just joined the ter-tech page whats the price on the event?
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lol i gotta be honest that video left me wanting to join lol :D!!! great footage !!
if it will get me back on the kart track i'll sign up, and to be honest im sure i'll learn something. As I am self taught I have almost never had anyone in the car teaching me (cept that one time Queermo was in the car) soo a little bit more advanced help wouldnt hurt I guess
the more help i think is always the better... you never know what you are doing wrong inside the car until someone can point it !@
OH MY FUCKING GOD SHES HOT!...if anyone knows me i have a HUGE...weakspot for latinas...

I would be doing a lot more than teaching her how to drive...

and lol...Harri behind the wheel of a 240...
Yeah I just saw the new one and I just have to say something:

Tim, you're such a loser :laugh:
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